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Web Designer – Horse Jobs

Man carrying computer and camera equipment past a horse

This is an entirely different horse job from almost all of the rest – namely because you don’t have to get dirty to do it. While it doesn’t provide a great deal of hands-on experience, it is a way for horse lovers to make a good living.

What You Need

These days businesses are sorely behind the times if they don’t have web capabilities and the horse industry is a surprisingly big one. While experience with horses is elemental, it isn’t as important as experience building websites or perhaps more importantly experience in the online horse industry. This job is unique in that it allows a great deal of flexibility and independence as well as an opportunity to interact with a global industry audience.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 22. Earlshall

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 22. Earlshall

The next morning after breakfast Joe put Merrylegs into the mistress’ low chaise to take him to the vicarage; he came first and said good-by to us, and Merrylegs neighed to us from the yard. Then John put the saddle on Ginger and the leading rein on me, and rode us across the country about fifteen miles to Earlshall Park, where the Earl of Wexmire lived. There was a very fine house and a great deal of stabling. We went into the yard through a stone gateway, and John asked for Mr. York. It was some time before he came. He was a fine-looking, middle-aged man, and his voice said at once that he expected to be obeyed. He was very friendly and polite to John, and after giving us a slight look he called a groom to take us to our boxes, and invited John to take some refreshment.
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Horse Gift Round Up – What to Get Horse Lovers for the Holidays

GiftNow that it’s December, there is no hiding from the fact that the holidays are here. For the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing a variety of horse gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick. Today we want to put to give you literally hundreds of clever ideas with our horse gift round up.

Timely Shopping

Let’s face it, if you get it done now, you won’t have to brave crowds at the malls & shopping centers. We love how easy the Internet makes it to find interesting items & have them shipped right to our (or our fave horse lover’s) door. We’ve combined our latest finds with some of our fave items from the past few years for even more ideas.
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Equine Ornaments – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftTis’ the season & we’ve been sharing all kinds of horse theme gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick. Today we are moving away from beauty products & sharing something a little more seasonal to get you in the spirit of the season.

Festive Horse

What horse lover doesn’t want to cover their tree in horse ornaments? We think this is one time of the year when it’s just fine to over-horse your home. Who says Rudolph was really a reindeer? Last time we checked, horses were the best animal for pulling a sleigh. Regardless, horses can be just as festive (& they don’t have those pesky antlers to watch out for) so we looked far & wide to find the best horsie ornaments – just in time for decorating!
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Equine Theme Perfume – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftThe holidays will be here before you know it, so we’ve been sharing all kinds of horse theme gift ideas, from shoes to lipstick. Today we want to keep with the powder room theme as we share some sweet smelling equestrian inspired cosmetics.

Smelling Sweet

Let’s face it, horse stables aren’t generally known for their enticing aroma. However, many brands use an equestrian element as part of their branding strategy. From Hermès to Ralph Lauren, the world of fashion seems to know (& celebrate) just how expensive our four legged friends really are.
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The Horse Show with Rick Lamb Episode 378 – Jumping Through Fire

Click to see VideoRecently we’ve been sharing episodes of The Horse Show with Rick Lamb & are delighted to share such a huge selection of unique horse topics with our readers. We don’t post every episode, but will share the ones we found the most interesting & fun.

Jumping Through Fire

Obviously we don’t recommend anyone trying this trick at their own barn or stable – it should only be attempted by professionals. In this episode Rick catches up with trick rider Gary Bennett to learn a few things about the profession & maybe even a trick or two.
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Professional Rider – Horse Jobs

woman riding a horse

This is, without a doubt, the dreamiest dream horse job of all. Getting paid to ride horses is the desired job of horse people the world over. Almost every discipline employs professional riders and the job can be found everywhere from the racetrack to dude ranches.

What You Need

The main requirement for this position is keen riding skills in your chosen discipline. Good horsemanship is essential to professional riders as is solid communication skills as riders deal with any number of people in the course of their work. Pro riders can be hired for a variety of reasons, some work specifically with problem animals while others are hired to compete pricey show horses in competition.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 21. The Parting

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 21. The Parting

Now I had lived in this happy place three years, but sad changes were about to come over us. We heard from time to time that our mistress was ill. The doctor was often at the house, and the master looked grave and anxious. Then we heard that she must leave her home at once, and go to a warm country for two or three years. The news fell upon the household like the tolling of a deathbell. Everybody was sorry; but the master began directly to make arrangements for breaking up his establishment and leaving England. We used to hear it talked about in our stable; indeed, nothing else was talked about.
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Lime Crime Opaque Lipsticks – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftThe holidays will be here before you know it, so we’ve started sharing a variety of horse theme gift ideas, from shoes to jewelry. Today we want to keep with the powder room theme as we share some colorful & fabulous horse theme cosmetics.

Lime Crime Unicorn Lips

Lime Crime’s opaque lip colors are a fun & girly way to declare your love of the equine animal. Heavy on the pigment, these lipsticks provide smooth, amazing coverage. Perfect for animal lovers, the non-drying formula is vegan & cruelty-free – we want one of each color!
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Horses in the Bath – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftThe holidays will be here before you know it, so we’ve started sharing a variety of horse theme gift ideas, from shoes to jewelry. Today we want to head into the home & share some horses for a critical room in the house, the bathroom.

Bath Horse

We think this is a great room to show off your appreciation for horses, whether you want to dry off with them, use them to hold your soap or cover a boo boo. In fact, the bathroom is one place where it’s almost impossible to go overboard.
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