The Trait Auxois or Auxois Horse is closely related to the Ardennes and has been bred specifically for their immense size since the start of the 20th century. They are one of the rarest of the (many) French draft breeds.
The origins of this breed are uncertain, although some sources say that their ancestors were the Burgandy horse, a heavy breed ridden by knights of the Middle Ages. Breeding of the modern Auxois began in the 19th century in the Cote d’Or and Yonne regions of France. The foundation animals were Percheron, Ardennes, Boulonnais and Northern Ardennais.
After the World Wars, with mechanization on the rise, the Auxois numbers declined significantly. In fact their numbers became so low that purebred Ardennais blood was added to limit inbreeding in the breeding stock. Bred for their extreme size, this breed didn’t take hold in other countries due to the enormous amount of food they required. They are still bred in France, largely to supply the meat industry. Although, their numbers remain dangerously low today.
Average height 15.2 – 16.2 hands
Strong with great endurance
Head is short with a wide forehead and small ears
Neck is muscular and well-set
Body is massive with wide chest and a short back
Limbs are hardy and slender for their size with little feather
Traditional Colors
Calm and gentle
Helpful Links
Auxois, Union nationale du cheval Trait Auxois
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