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Low Luv Jewelry by Erin Wasson – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s that time of year again & we’ve been providing the absolute best horse gift ideas, from shoes to jewelry. Speaking of jewelry, we’ve got some more equine themed sparkles for you today.

Low Luv by Erin Wasson

We absolutely adore this whimsical & chunky jewelry collection. It’s horsey, but sort of subtle about it, choosing to focus on body parts rather than the whole animal. We love all parts of the horse & like that Erin Wasson focused on parts we don’t often think about as accessories.
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The Horse Show with Rick Lamb Episode 376 – Natural Horsemanship in Brazil

Click to see VideoRecently we discovered The Horse Show with Rick Lamb & were delighted to find a huge selection of unique horse topics to share with our readers. We won’t post every episode, but will share the ones we found the most interesting & fun.

Natural Horsemanship in Brazil

We like the idea of natural horsemanship in any country & especially one as horse proud as Brazil. In this episode Rick’s wife Diana talks with veterinarian Fernando Rolim about his mission to elevate Brazilian horsemanship.
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Guest/ Dude Ranch Hand – Horse Job

Man and woman on horseback herding cows

Perhaps one of the least defined jobs of the guest or dude ranch lifestyle, the ranch hand is usually responsible for the real nitty gritty of daily operations. Generally answering to ranch manager or a barn foreman

What You Need

This is usually an entry level position and while experience with horses is essential, general handiness and a head for mechanics can also be invaluable to employers. Ranch hand duties can range from feeding and exercising the animals to educating ranch guests on proper horse care.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 20. Joe Green

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 20. Joe Green

Joe Green went on very well; he learned quickly, and was so attentive and careful that John began to trust him in many things; but as I have said, he was small of his age, and it was seldom that he was allowed to exercise either Ginger or me; but it so happened one morning that John was out with Justice in the luggage cart, and the master wanted a note to be taken immediately to a gentleman’s house, about three miles distant, and sent his orders for Joe to saddle me and take it, adding the caution that he was to ride steadily.
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Equine Jewelry – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftIt’s that time of year again & we’ve been providing some unique & interesting horse gift ideas, from shoes to sculpture. Today we are switching gears a little & leaving the kids items behind (don’t worry, more to come).

Horse Style

We say it every time & will say it again, horse jewelry is dangerous territory. Too much of it borders on the line between chic & tacky. Luckily, we’ve searched the net high & low to find some of the coolest, most unique stuff out there to share with our readers. We don’t recommend wearing it all at once, but one piece adds a fun accent to any outfit.
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Equine Theme Boys Clothing – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’re dedicated to helping everyone find the most unique & fun horse gift ideas out there, from shoes to sculpture. Today we continue our focus on the youngsters & provide some colorful horse theme clothing for boys who like horses.

Young Equestrians

Riding isn’t just for girls (although it seems to be in some places). In fact, traditionally it was the boys who did the riding in most cultures. Today we have selected a number of horse theme clothing ideas for boys, whether they like horses or their mothers do.
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The Horse Show with Rick Lamb – Aromatherapy for Horses

Click to see VideoRecently we discovered The Horse Show with Rick Lamb & were delighted to discover a huge selection of great horse topics to share with readers. We won’t post every episode, but will share the ones we found the most interesting & unique.

Aromatherapy for Horses

We believe there is something to this aromatherapy stuff, good, natural smells just make us feel good (think freshly cut grass, hay drying in the sun). In this episode Rick speaks with trainer Mary Midkiff about using special smells to interact with horses. If it works for us, it makes sense that it works for them as well. Especially when you consider their sense of smell is far more developed than our own.
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Show Photographer – Horse Jobs

man photographing a horse

While many of us fancy ourselves amateur show photographers, sport photography is not an easy art to master. This is a horse job that allows not only an opportunity to work up close and personal with horses, but to pursue an art form as well.

What You Need

A horse photographer is a unique position in that is offers a great deal of flexibility and independence. Show photographers may be contracted by show staff, trainers, individual owners and even by magazines and publications. Above all a successful photographer must have a good camera and know how to use it in a stressful, dirty, action packed environment.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 19. Only Ignorance

Chapter 19. Only Ignorance

I do not know how long I was ill. Mr. Bond, the horse-doctor, came every day. One day he bled me; John held a pail for the blood. I felt very faint after it and thought I should die, and I believe they all thought so too.

Ginger and Merrylegs had been moved into the other stable, so that I might be quiet, for the fever made me very quick of hearing; any little noise seemed quite loud, and I could tell every one’s footstep going to and from the house. I knew all that was going on. One night John had to give me a draught; Thomas Green came in to help him. After I had taken it and John had made me as comfortable as he could, he said he should stay half an hour to see how the medicine settled. Thomas said he would stay with him, so they went and sat down on a bench that had been brought into Merrylegs’ stall, and put down the lantern at their feet, that I might not be disturbed with the light.
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Equine Theme Girls Clothing – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’re dedicated to helping everyone find the most unique & fun horse gift ideas out there, from shoes to sculpture. Today we want to continue our focus on the youngsters & provide some colorful horse theme clothing that only kids can get away with.

Heart on Your Sleeve

It’s true, the younger generations can wear what they like & need no explanation for it. Young horse lovers often want to be surrounded by their fave animal & we can hardly blame them, was a more noble silhouette ever created? We’ve selected some of the cutest & coolest horse theme kid’s clothes we could find to share with readers today.
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