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Equine Theme Girls Clothing – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’re dedicated to helping everyone find the most unique & fun horse gift ideas out there, from shoes to sculpture. Today we want to continue our focus on the youngsters & provide some colorful horse theme clothing that only kids can get away with.

Heart on Your Sleeve

It’s true, the younger generations can wear what they like & need no explanation for it. Young horse lovers often want to be surrounded by their fave animal & we can hardly blame them, was a more noble silhouette ever created? We’ve selected some of the cutest & coolest horse theme kid’s clothes we could find to share with readers today.
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Equestrian Kids Decor – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’re dedicated to helping everyone find the best horse gift ideas out there, from shoes to sculpture. Today we are going to continue our focus on the youngsters & provide some lovely horse decor ideas.

Young Equestrian

It’s no secret that kids are probably the most obvious horse enthusiasts & we’ve got some fun ideas to give them a horse lovers room. Whether they want horses everywhere or just one or two big pieces to focus their attention on, we’ve got some colorful & whimsical ideas to help.

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Nail Polish & Dancing Horses – OPI’s Unique Promotion

Click to see VideoSomething completely different today, as we veer away from educational horse towards generally entertaining horse. Today’s video is both strange & strangely compelling viewing, as four different dancers start a dance war with a horse who has some fancy footwork of her own.

OPI Colors

Nail brand OPI pays tribute to its Culture of Color with the international launch of its first branded film. Set to the French DJ band C2C’s “Down the Road,” the video features a surrealistic dance-off between four female dancers and a Thoroughbred horse, as trained by equestrian stuntmaster Mario Luraschi.
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Show Vet – Horse Jobs

Woman standing with horse in a trailer

Perhaps one of the most essential horse careers and one that requires the most training to become. A horse show veterinarian is an important job which carries the (often) heavy burden of long and unexpected hours.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from attention to detail, strength of character and a love of the equine animal. Horse doctors have their fair share of sad, scary, disgusting, painful and rewarding moments in the course of their daily work. Show vets may work directly for the host stable (in the case of large shows) or come along with trainers to tend to their specific charges.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 18. Going for the Doctor

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 18. Going for the Doctor

One night, a few days after James had left, I had eaten my hay and was lying down in my straw fast asleep, when I was suddenly roused by the stable bell ringing very loud. I heard the door of John’s house open, and his feet running up to the hall. He was back again in no time; he unlocked the stable door, and came in, calling out, “Wake up, Beauty! You must go well now, if ever you did;” and almost before I could think he had got the saddle on my back and the bridle on my head. He just ran round for his coat, and then took me at a quick trot up to the hall door. The squire stood there, with a lamp in his hand.
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Barbie & Tawny Sets – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve been keeping everyone up to date with the best horse gift ideas we can find, from shoes to sculpture. Today we want to focus on the youngsters again & that old favorite luckiest girl around…lovely Barbie & her horse Tawny.

Barbie the Equestrian

Back in the day, our Barbies had horses too, but not like she does these days. Today her horse moves on her own & takes Barbie for a ride over fences. We love the attention to detail, especially the fun & frilly equestrian outfits Barbie wears. Pink can be used anywhere! Each set below includes both Barbie & her handsome palomino mount Tawny & a variety of colorful, realistic accessories. Barblie loves to show in both Western & English garb & her horse can do anything.
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Toys For the Kids – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve been keeping everyone up to date with fun & fab horse gift ideas, from shoes to sculpture. Today we want to focus on the youngsters, as the holidays delight them the most. Not to mention kids tend to be the most passionate horse people of us all.

Horse Toys

Horses have always had a place on toy store shelves, from Breyer to Barbie, they carry dolls tirelessly. We did some shopping around to see the latest in horse & equestrian toys to share. Much of what we found was similar to what we remember from the days of our youth, which makes this post all the more fun to write. The items below were hand selected & will put delight on the faces of young horse lovers everywhere.
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Top Tips for Managing Your Horse’s Weight

Click to see VideoFor the last few weeks we have been posting about horse weight and fat scoring your horse. Today we are rounding them off with a few tips for managing your horse’s weight.

Staying Trim

This is another handy video from World Horse Welfare and it provides some of their top tips for managing your horse’s weight. Learning how to control the weight of an overweight horse without shocking their system is an important thing for any horse owner or caretaker to know.

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Show Groom – Horse Jobs

groom standing with a horse and man

While this is an entry level position, it is an essential one for the riders and trainers when at a horse show. Regardless of discipline, horse shows are a high-stress breeding ground for unexpected problems.

What You Need

There are many tasks that can fall under the grooms command and the actual job description will vary from show to show. That means that not only does the job vary, but so does the pay. This is a position which benefits from a firm knowledge of horseflesh, a teamwork attitude and independent, creative thinking.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 17. John Manly’s Talk

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 17. John Manly’s Talk

The rest of our journey was very easy, and a little after sunset we reached the house of my master’s friend. We were taken into a clean, snug stable; there was a kind coachman, who made us very comfortable, and who seemed to think a good deal of James when he heard about the fire.

“There is one thing quite clear, young man,” he said, “your horses know who they can trust; it is one of the hardest things in the world to get horses out of a stable when there is either fire or flood. I don’t know why they won’t come out, but they won’t — not one in twenty.”
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