Horse movies of the 2010’s, each one provides a brief description with links to their IMDB, a clip of the film & where they can be purchased online. Enjoy!
Horse Image of the Week
Why We Like It
First, we love it because it was submitted to us. This is little Indiana taking a rest under the fence of her pasture. She is cute as a button (we do love the spotted ones!) and we just want to lay down on the grass next to her.
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Abaco Barb – Rare Horse Breed of the Week
The Abaco Barb has long been shrouded in mystery & until the late 1990’s not much notice was taken of them. The ancestors of these animals were believed to have come from the ships of Spanish explorers in the late 15th/ early 16th centuries & have inhabited the island since.
Preserving the Past
Due to their extreme geographical isolation, herd bloodlines have remained incredibly pure. This simple fact makes them an important link to the past as well as the history of horses in the Americas. In 2002, the herd was accepted by the Horse of America’s Registry as horses of Spanish Barb ancestry proven through DNA testing. Read more
Horse Image of the Week
Why We Like It
A true illustration of the grass always being greener, this handsome fella just doesn’t have enough on his side of the fence!
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Rare Horse Breed of the Week
There has been tons of discussion on our site about rare horse breeds & we want to be sure the world knows which breeds are just rare & which ones are rare enough to be in danger.
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Yew – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to the last edition of the a-z of plants that hate your horse (for now) we’ve hit the end of the road. Today’s plant is one that evokes images of snowy woods & holiday cheer, Yew an interesting looking plant, with a sharp bite.
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Yellow Sweet Clover – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to one of the last few editions of the a-z of plants that hate your horse, we are almost to the big Z. Today’s plant looks quite innocent, but not when it comes to your horse. Yellow Sweet Clover may smell lovely & brighten any field, but it’s bad news for horses – especially mares in foal.
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Horse Image of the Week
Why We Like It
There is something quite unexpected & cute about this image. While most of it is the yin & yang effect, but some of it is the casual & relaxed behavior of the subjects. We think they are feral ponies, but aren’t quite sure where they are in the world. They look rugged, fuzzy & we just want to scratch behind their ears!
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 49. My Last Home
Chapter 49. My Last Home
One day during this summer the groom cleaned and dressed me with such extraordinary care that I thought some new change must be at hand; he trimmed my fetlocks and legs, passed the tarbrush over my hoofs, and even parted my forelock. I think the harness had an extra polish. Willie seemed half-anxious, half-merry, as he got into the chaise with his grandfather.
“If the ladies take to him,” said the old gentleman, “they’ll be suited and he’ll be suited. We can but try.” Read more
Yellow Star Thistle – Toxic Plant of the Week
Welcome to this week’s edition of the a-z of plants that are dangerous to your horse, as you can see we are almost to the end of the alphabet. Today’s plant is quite obviously bad news, it just looks like trouble. Yellow Star Thistles are savagely beautiful, & luckily easy to recognize as a threat.
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Horse Image of the Week
Why We Like It
It’s no secret we like shots of grazing horses, especially when you pair them with great photography. This robust lady is enjoying her afternoon meal & we wish we could lay in the grass nearby to watch her eat. She displays aubtle mealy characteristics on her lovely bay coat – we just love the shaggy heaviness of draft breeds!
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 48. Farmer Thoroughgood and His Grandson Willie
Chapter 48. Farmer Thoroughgood and His Grandson Willie
At this sale, of course I found myself in company with the old broken-down horses — some lame, some broken-winded, some old, and some that I am sure it would have been merciful to shoot. Read more