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Bobo Horse


Also called Bobodi and Boboli, the Bobo is a light pony or small horse found in Burkina Faso. Like many of the West African breeds, they are generally of Barb or Dongola ancestry. Although these horses can have a natural resistance to trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), which is found in other native equines of the area.
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Mossi Horse


Also called Yagha and Burkinabe, this breed horse is named for the Mossi kingdom in what is now Burkina Faso. The Mossi people have been associated with masterful horsemanship for centuries. Their horses are a type among the West African Dongola horse, found in many countries on that part of the continent.
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Yururi Island horse


Yururi Island is a small uninhabited island off the coast of the Nemuro Peninsula in Japan which has been designated as a national treasure. The island is table-shaped with flat, green pastures that are home to a variety of wildlife in addition to a small herd of horses.
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