Also called the Somme Bay Horse, the Henson Horse was bred specifically with the goal of creating a versatile riding horse that was homogeneous in color and character.
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Also called the Somme Bay Horse, the Henson Horse was bred specifically with the goal of creating a versatile riding horse that was homogeneous in color and character.
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The Guizhou or Qian Horse is a native breed of the mountainous Guizhou Province in China where agriculture was developed as early as 770 BC. Relatively isolated geographically, these animals have had little outside influence and are an incredibly pure breed.
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The Galiceño comes from Mexico and is relatively newly found in the US (since 1958). Like many of the horse breeds from the Americas, they owe their bloodlines to Spanish animals.
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Also called the Klepper, the Estonian Native is one of the few remaining breeds in this area that has effectively resisted the effects of cross breeding and retained the characteristics of a northern horse.
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The Dülmen Pony is the only remaining pony of German origin that has always lived in completely natural conditions. Mother Nature has formed this breed, not mankind. That alone makes them rare in the world of horse breeds, which have almost always been shaped by our needs.
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This is a breed of small horse or large pony that comes from the Danube Delta in Romania. There are around 5,600 wild horses that live in the delta between the Sulina and the Chilli rivers.
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Also called Cesky Teplokrevnik, the Czech Warmblood is an all around animal with a great deal of versatility. They are a popular warmblood and often exported as riding horses to western European countries,
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The Connemara Pony originates in the Connemara region of western Ireland, for which they are named. This area has an inhospitable landscape and scarce forage, shaping these hardy ponies into a tough, robust breed.
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The Chilote Pony is found on Chiloe Island off southern Chile, a largely undeveloped place. The Spaniards captured the island from the native people in 1567 and controlled it until early in the 19th century.
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