Considered the pride of Scotland, the Clydesdale is a heavy draft breed native to Lanarkshire in Scotland (the districy used to be called Clydesdale).
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Considered the pride of Scotland, the Clydesdale is a heavy draft breed native to Lanarkshire in Scotland (the districy used to be called Clydesdale).
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The oldest breed of horse from Britain, originally from the Cleveland area of North East England. The church was principally responsible for keeping the bloodlines and the Cleveland bay type.
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Warmblood horses are a mix between hot-blooded animals (like the Arabian and Thoroughbred) with cold-blooded animals (most draft breeds). They may carry bloodlines of approved breeds as long as they meet the requirements of the type.
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Also called South African Boerperd and the Kaapse Boerperd, the Boer horse has a long history that is intertwined with the people of South Africa.
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The Terceira Pony or Azores is an ancient breed native to Portugal with very little formal documentation, there is not much known about the Azores breed. These animals are different from most of the Iberian ponies, as their confirmation is more of a small horse than a pony.
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The Anglo-Luso comes from Portugal and began with the crossing of local Lusitano mares with English Thoroughbred stallions. Although many Portuguese people objected to the cross-breeding, considering it a pollution to their purebred animals.
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A relatively new breed, the American Cream Draft is a color breed in the United States. They come from Iowa, originating with a foundation draft mare named Old Granny in 1905.
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One of the lesser known heavy warmblood breeds, the Altwurttemberg is considered extremely endangered and is a rare sight outside (even inside of) its native country.
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The Aegidienberger is a relatively recent cross, one that utilizes elegant Peruvian Paso and the pure blood of hardy Icelandic horses. The aim was to create a larger gaited animal that is well suited to the colder climates of Germany.
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