
Boer Horse


Also called South African Boerperd, and the Kaapse Boerperd, the Boer horse comes from the same stock as the Basuto pony. However the Boer is found in a much milder climate allowing them to grow more robust.


Originated from the Cape Horse of South Africa, this breed also displays characteristics of Flemish, Hackney and Cleveland Bay animals imported to the area.

The Boerperd Society of South Africa was established in 1973 to preserve and document the bloodlines of the breed. Today these animals are rare and found in isolated herds in Transvaal, Natal, Eastern Free State and the Cape Province.


Average height 14 – 16 hands
Calm and ambitious


Head has flat forehead and prominent eyes profile is straight or slightly concave
Neck is average length and well-formed
Legs are strong, dry and muscular
Hooves are hard and sound

Traditional Colors

black | chestnut | grey | bay | dun | palomino | pinto


Trustworthy and alert

Boer Horse

Image from coda


Agriculture work
Endurance horse

Helpful Links

*All links open in a new window
Cape Boerperd Breeders Society

Where to Buy

Boer Horses for Sale

Boer Horse Studs

Indiana Cape Boerperd Stud
Stellar Stud


Do you have images or know more about the Boerperd breed? I’d love help completing this page, please contact me to get involved.