The Arabian blood was first added to the Friesian breed during Spanish invasion of the Netherlands in the late 16th and early 17th century.
Local Friesian farmers were forced to use Spanish stallions who carried Arabian blood. The resulting cross was an incredibly athletic animal that is found in the ancestry of the Orlov Trotter and Morgans.
Later, during the 1960’s breeders attempted to further enhance the Friesian bloodlines by adding more Arabian blood to selected Friesian mares. Their goal was to enhance strength and endurance along with lung and heart volume, all while retaining physical characteristics of the Friesian.
Head is has a straight profile and set high
Neck is arched
Eyes are bright and intelligent
Back is strong and shoulder is powerful and slanting
Legs are lean, muscular and feathered
feet are well-developed
Should retain most of the physical characteristics of the Friesian horse
Traditional Colors
Generally black, but Arabians come in a lot of colors.
Strong Friesian character, kind and true
Show horse
Eventing horse
Pleasure horse
Carriage horse
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Friesian Horse Society
Canadian Friesian Horse Society
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