Herbs n’ Pastures – Rosemary

Not all plants are good for horses, which is crazy considering that is all they eat! Incredibly, there are a whole list of plants horses can’t eat. We don’t recommend you feed your horse rosemary directly (they probably wouldn’t eat it anyway), but it can do wonders for skin & hair ailments.

Wintercress – Toxic Plant of the Week

Welcome to this week’s edition of the a-z of plants that are dangerous to your horse, as you can see we are finally getting close to the end of the alphabet. Today’s plant is fairly common & fairly common looking, which can make it more dangerous. Wintercress is pretty average-looking in every way so be […]

Viper’s Bugloss – Toxic Plant of the Week

Welcome to another weekly edition of the a-z of plants that are dangerous to your horse. Today’s plant is one with a fabulous name & this is one plant that actually looks toxic in many ways. The name Viper’s Bugloss pretty much says it all, anything named after a viper is probably not going to […]