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Summer Camp Counselor – Horse Job

Woman leading a child on a horse

This is perhaps one of the rarer horse jobs out there, but one that can provide a great degree of hands on experience with the animals themselves. Summer camps vary from place to place and so will the number and quality of horses involved.

What You Need

While this position varies, there are a few things that will remain constant. Understanding of horse care/ safety is an important part, but so is child care/ safety – not to mention the combination of the two. For this fact alone camp counselors require a cool head along with knowledge of both horse and child. In addition they may also be required knowledge of local geography, flora and fauna. Due to its very nature, this can be a physically demanding job.

A strong constitution, great communication and quick hands are essential in becoming a good horse camp counselor.

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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 12. A Stormy Day

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 12. A Stormy Day

One day late in the autumn my master had a long journey to go on business. I was put into the dog-cart, and John went with his master. I always liked to go in the dog-cart, it was so light and the high wheels ran along so pleasantly. There had been a great deal of rain, and now the wind was very high and blew the dry leaves across the road in a shower. We went along merrily till we came to the toll-bar and the low wooden bridge. The river banks were rather high, and the bridge, instead of rising, went across just level, so that in the middle, if the river was full, the water would be nearly up to the woodwork and planks; but as there were good substantial rails on each side, people did not mind it.
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Fun & Fab Horse Theme T-Shirts – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve already shared some surprisingly cool horse theme tops and dresses. Today we have even more fabulously equine clothing to share. T-shirts are a lifestyle staple we can’t live without and we’ve got some good ones to share!

Casual Horse

Perhaps the most obvious place to wear horse theme clothing is (you guessed it) to the barn – where everyone shares your obsession. While you won’t start any big trends there, you can wear your horse in a way that is slightly more unique and interesting than everyone else. We hunted high and low to bring you horse t-shirts that are funnier or more beautiful than any you have seen before. Which one do you want this year?
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Designer Equine Theme Dresses & Skirts – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve already shared some surprisingly cool horse theme tops and sweaters and today we have even more fabulously equine clothing to share. You may not even need to be a horse lover to love some of these numbers!

Obsessive Style

We don’t think it’s obsessive to want horses on everything we wear. While it’s rarely possible to wear more than one horse at a time, we like to keep dreaming that someone will come up with an ultra-fashionable horsey line just for us. Of course there are plenty of top names that appreciate the equestrian theme, but not all of us chase foxes with hounds – sometimes we want something that is discipline independent.
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Tilly the Miracle Horse

Click to see VideoToday’s video is one about an inspirational little animal with a heart of gold. Tilly proves beyond a shadow of a doubt much soul our four legged equine friends truly have.

Sweet Tilly

Meet Tilly, the blind miracle horse and the special children she works with at Sunshine Acres Children’s Home. Their amazing horse program provides children in the home a chance to spend time with special animals like Tilly. Proving once again that horses can enhance the lives of everyone they contact.
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Carriage Driver – Horse Jobs

Carriage Driver

This horse job is quite different from many of the rest as it offers a chance for people to work independently. While often a controversial position to hold, carriage drivers can be found in most urban cities around the globe.

What You Need

While this position provides plenty of hands-on time with horses, it also requires a great deal of interaction with the general public. Obviously rules and laws vary by country and city, so what is expected of drivers will change from place to place. The nature of the job (independent contractor in a city, working for a stable, etc.) will demand flexibility. By far the most important part of the job is caring for an animal which is likely to be working very far outside their comfort zone.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 11. Plain Speaking

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 11. Plain Speaking

The longer I lived at Birtwick the more proud and happy I felt at having such a place. Our master and mistress were respected and beloved by all who knew them; they were good and kind to everybody and everything; not only men and women, but horses and donkeys, dogs and cats, cattle and birds; there was no oppressed or ill-used creature that had not a friend in them, and their servants took the same tone. If any of the village children were known to treat any creature cruelly they soon heard about it from the Hall.
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Fab Designer Equestrian Tops & Sweaters – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe are the first to admit that horse theme clothing is often lost on anyone not obsessed with horses. So we searched high and low across the web to find some horsey items that might even appeal to non-horse people.

A Bit of Style

While our love of horses never waivers, we also like to keep life on the fashionable side where possible. So rarely do the two mix that we went to some of the biggest names in the fashion business to see how they incorporate the lovely equine animal. It’s never to early to start thinking about the holidays (or just get yourself something cool).
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We’ve Updated Our Jobs Section

Horse JobsThe handy job description section on The Equinest was the result of a reader request and we can’t thank that reader enough. Not only has it been an education for us, but it has helped to put the horse industry into perspective. In short, horse jobs are everywhere.

Dreams Can Come True

Truly for any horse lover, the idea of making a living working with the animal we adore is a dream come true. As it turns out, there is a huge long list of different jobs that allow horse enthusiasts to do just that. From horse vet to circus performer we have it on the list and intend to cover it in detail if we haven’t already.
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Poisonous Plants and Horses – Oak and Maple

Click to see VideoI’m always posting about plants that are toxic to your horse because I think it’s important to know what they look like. Clearly I’m not the only one.

Naughty Trees

This video is specifically about Oak and Maple trees and their toxicity, but there is a whole bunch of plants to be aware of. In fact I found a variety of videos about poisonious plants and I fully intend to work them into the schedule. You have no idea how many plants horses can’t actually eat!
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