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University or College Professor – Horse Jobs

Woman in a dress on a horse

This is a horse profession which doesn’t allow as much hands on time with the animals, but it does allow knowledgeable individuals to pass on their wisdom and create a better future for horses in general.

What You Need

Obviously being a professor takes more than just a love of horses, but there is a wide variety of directions & subjects to choose from. Education is the key for this career and you’ll need lots of it. This is a job that requires an intense love of the subject, the ability to research as well as the ability to relate the information to students. For each program & each school there will be varying requirements & internship programs available.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 10. A Talk in the Orchard

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 10. A Talk in the Orchard

Ginger and I were not of the regular tall carriage horse breed, we had more of the racing blood in us. We stood about fifteen and a half hands high; we were therefore just as good for riding as we were for driving, and our master used to say that he disliked either horse or man that could do but one thing; and as he did not want to show off in London parks, he preferred a more active and useful kind of horse. As for us, our greatest pleasure was when we were saddled for a riding party; the master on Ginger, the mistress on me, and the young ladies on Sir Oliver and Merrylegs. It was so cheerful to be trotting and cantering all together that it always put us in high spirits. I had the best of it, for I always carried the mistress; her weight was little, her voice was sweet, and her hand was so light on the rein that I was guided almost without feeling it.
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Introduction to Western Riding by Equitrekking

Click to see VideoWhenever I learn anything new about the fab horse/travel show Equitrekking I always share it with my readers. It’s a fun show with horses that features some breathtaking scenery.

Learning A Little Country Western

If you want to learn to ride western, this video isn’t nearly enough to teach you. But if you want to try getting on a horse and want a few pointers – it’s perfect! Learn a little about riding western in this educational video narrated by Equitrekking host Darley Newman.
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Find Your Dream Horse Job on The Equinest

Horse Job
We’ve added our very own horse job board, dedicated solely to the people in the equine industry. We hope you’ll have a look around and hopefully find the horse job of your dreams.

Have a Horse Job to Advertise?

We can help. Listings added to our site are also distributed throughout the Simply Hired network – increasing the chances you’ll find someone perfect. Signing up is easy and for $5 your ad will run a full $30 days.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 9. Merrylegs

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 9. Merrylegs

Mr. Blomefield, the vicar, had a large family of boys and girls; sometimes they used to come and play with Miss Jessie and Flora. One of the girls was as old as Miss Jessie; two of the boys were older, and there were several little ones. When they came there was plenty of work for Merrylegs, for nothing pleased them so much as getting on him by turns and riding him all about the orchard and the home paddock, and this they would do by the hour together.
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What is Horses Inside Out?

Click to see VideoToday’s video isn’t meant to be very educational, even though in some strange ways it is. This is an introduction to Horses Inside Out which teaches horse lovers more about what goes on inside.

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

Gillian Higgins is a an equine therapist and as it happens, also a talented artist. She provides horse lovers an entirely different view of their animal when she paints bones and muscles on the outside. The video below shows samples of her work and will probably provide a bit of insight into how your horse works from the inside.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 8. Ginger’s Story Continued

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 8. Ginger’s Story Continued

The next time that Ginger and I were together in the paddock she told me about her first place.

“After my breaking in,” she said, “I was bought by a dealer to match another chestnut horse. For some weeks he drove us together, and then we were sold to a fashionable gentleman, and were sent up to London. I had been driven with a check-rein by the dealer, and I hated it worse than anything else; but in this place we were reined far tighter, the coachman and his master thinking we looked more stylish so. We were often driven about in the park and other fashionable places. You who never had a check-rein on don’t know what it is, but I can tell you it is dreadful.”
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How to Apply a Poultice

Click to see VideoBack to the educational videos again, this week is another helpful video for horse owners of all skill levels. Horse’s feet can be troublesome and it pays to know how to care for them.

Being in the Know

Helen Milbank writes for Your Horse Magazine and in this video she demonstrates how to apply and protect a poultice in your horse’s foot. This is something anyone can apply to their horse and in the end it could help save you vet bills.
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