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Trendy Men’s Ties – Horse Gift Idea

GiftLast time we ventured into the exciting world of mens footwear and today we want to continue the men’s accessories journey into so pretty hot horsey ties. Some that even non-horse people would snatch up.

Suited Horse

While not all of us can work with horses, it’s not impossible to bring a little horse to the workplace with you. Especially if it is disguised as part of your attire. The ties below are fun and funky enough to make them worth the horse. We aimed for unique patterns, colors and ideas to give a fresh perspective to the traditional equestrian tie.
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Handy Stretches for Your Horse

Click to see VideoLast week we shared some videos with horse pilates exercises and today we are keeping in a similar theme. Today’s video will

Essential Warm Up

While many of us stretch our own muscles (and give our mount a nice long walk to warm them up) we don’t often fully stretch our horse in preparation for athletic motion. Stretching does the same thing for your animal as it does for you, making movement easier, more natural and decreasing the chance of sore muscles after a workout. Ideally both you and your mount should stretch before and after workouts.
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Guest Ranch Management – Horse Jobs

Man on a horse

Perhaps truly the dreamy dream job for horse lovers, running a guest ranch requires a bit more elbow grease than romantic notion may provide. While a fun and exciting job, running a successful guest ranch requires a high level of organization and experience.

What You Need

This is a management position, so contact with the animals will be more limited in larger establishments. More than a love of the animal and lifestyle, this position requires a thorough knowledge of the hospitality industry and even strong speaking and marketing skills. Great communication skills are essential, as is basic health and field training.
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 13. The Devil’s Trade Mark

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 13. The Devil’s Trade Mark

One day when John and I had been out on some business of our master’s, and were returning gently on a long, straight road, at some distance we saw a boy trying to leap a pony over a gate; the pony would not take the leap, and the boy cut him with the whip, but he only turned off on one side. He whipped him again, but the pony turned off on the other side. Then the boy got off and gave him a hard thrashing, and knocked him about the head; then he got up again and tried to make him leap the gate, kicking him all the time shamefully, but still the pony refused. When we were nearly at the spot the pony put down his head and threw up his heels, and sent the boy neatly over into a broad quickset hedge, and with the rein dangling from his head he set off home at a full gallop. John laughed out quite loud. “Served him right,” he said.
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Equestrian Theme Shoes for Men – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftLast time we ventured into the exciting world of ladies footwear but we didn’t want to leave the fellas out. This week we’ve got a surprisingly decent list of men’s shoes with a slight equine flair.

Horses on Your Feet

While we realize that in today’s world, it’s not exceedingly stylish for men to walk around covered in horses. Frankly, we don’t want to see that either. However, we do think men can celebrate their love of horses through clothing items too. Although most of them have a more equestrian flair, advocates of all disciplines can appreciate the subtle horsey touches.
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Equine Theme Shoes & Boots – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve already shared some amazingly fashionable horse theme tops, tees and dresses. Today we are moving into the accessory department for everyone’s favorite kind of shopping, shoe shopping!

Horse Feet

Small equestrian touches have always had a place in the shoe world, the strong combination of brass and leather is too rich to pass up. Not to mention shoes and boots are an essential part of any rider’s wardrobe. We aren’t sure about wearing any of these beauties to actually ride, but they are a fun way to get a little horse into your wardrobe in a simple and subtle way.
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Pilates for Horses

Click to see VideoToday’s videos are of the instructional type, but probably not like any you’ve seen before. You’ve heard of pilates, even pilates for horse riders, but have you ever heard of pilates for horses?

Essential Stretching

While your horse may not need these exercises, they could prove to be a useful part of warming up or even training. Each video covers a different exercise, they are short clips (about a minute long) and worth a quick glance. Whether you practice pilates yourself or just like to try new things with your horse, these may be interesting exercises to test out.
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Summer Camp Counselor – Horse Job

Woman leading a child on a horse

This is perhaps one of the rarer horse jobs out there, but one that can provide a great degree of hands on experience with the animals themselves. Summer camps vary from place to place and so will the number and quality of horses involved.

What You Need

While this position varies, there are a few things that will remain constant. Understanding of horse care/ safety is an important part, but so is child care/ safety – not to mention the combination of the two. For this fact alone camp counselors require a cool head along with knowledge of both horse and child. In addition they may also be required knowledge of local geography, flora and fauna. Due to its very nature, this can be a physically demanding job.

A strong constitution, great communication and quick hands are essential in becoming a good horse camp counselor.

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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 12. A Stormy Day

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 12. A Stormy Day

One day late in the autumn my master had a long journey to go on business. I was put into the dog-cart, and John went with his master. I always liked to go in the dog-cart, it was so light and the high wheels ran along so pleasantly. There had been a great deal of rain, and now the wind was very high and blew the dry leaves across the road in a shower. We went along merrily till we came to the toll-bar and the low wooden bridge. The river banks were rather high, and the bridge, instead of rising, went across just level, so that in the middle, if the river was full, the water would be nearly up to the woodwork and planks; but as there were good substantial rails on each side, people did not mind it.
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Fun & Fab Horse Theme T-Shirts – Horse Gift Ideas

GiftWe’ve already shared some surprisingly cool horse theme tops and dresses. Today we have even more fabulously equine clothing to share. T-shirts are a lifestyle staple we can’t live without and we’ve got some good ones to share!

Casual Horse

Perhaps the most obvious place to wear horse theme clothing is (you guessed it) to the barn – where everyone shares your obsession. While you won’t start any big trends there, you can wear your horse in a way that is slightly more unique and interesting than everyone else. We hunted high and low to bring you horse t-shirts that are funnier or more beautiful than any you have seen before. Which one do you want this year?
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