The pearl, apricot or the Barlink factor is a fairly recently discovered dilution gene in equine color genetics and only found in certain breeds. Pearl is a dilution found in the Iberian breeds, like Andalusians and Lusitanos. The Barlink factor is named for the paint stallion Barlink Macho Man who passed it on through his line, it is found in Quarter Horses and pintos. It’s believed they are a result of the same mutation and originated on the Iberian peninsula. Generally now the dilution is called pearl to recognize that it probably originated from Spanish animals.
Pearl Dilution
One dose of this dilution doesn’t affect the coat, although it may produce pink spots on the skin of light animals. It requires either a double dilution or the presence of a cream dilution to have a physical affect on pigment.
Pearl Shades
Similar to cream (both mutations are located in the same gene), double doses of the gene (not to mention the addition of cream) create a broad spectrum of colors that resemble both cream and champagne animals.

Single-Dilution Colors
A single dose of pearl has almost almost no affect on the darker base colors, but on a chestnut it can lighten the body coat. A single pearl can also create pink freckles on the skin and amber eyes.

Double-Dilution Colors
Two doses of pearl on a chestnut, bay or brown base produces animals that look similar to champagne dilutions, with golden bodies and light mane and tail hairs. On a black base a double dose produces reddish body hair and darker red mane, tail and points – similar to a red dun (without primitive markings).
Pearl + Cream Colors
The combination of one cream and one pearl dilution genes produces creamy white – similar to double diluted cream colors. Chestnut bases turn creamy white to golden with flaxen mane and tail. Bay and black animals produce a pale golden body with brown mane, tail and points. Both dilutions bear their mark as the combination animals often have blue eyes along with pink pearl freckles.