Horseplay Category

Horse Cakes Part 2

Horse Cake

Image from StartAgain

Awhile back I wrote a post about funky horse cakes and in the last few months I’ve located more to share. It seems creative bakers never tire of ways to wow us!

Summer of the Unusual

This summer I’m exploring interesting types of horse art, (including embroidery & antique toys) and cakes definitely fall into the mix. That said, I have plenty more fun to come as we fall into autumn & cooler days.

Here are some more fun & funky cakes with a definite horsey theme. I don’t know about you, but I think I like the cupcakes best.

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Horses in Fashion Pt 2

Equestrian Fashion Ad
It’s striking just how many horses are used in the fashion industry and I’m under the assumption that they are treated fairly well. Even though some of them are subject to silly pictures and terrible fashion.

As I started looking for images I was delighted with how many fashionista horses I was able to find, plus I’m not finished looking so there may be a part 3 in the works. Back to work I go.
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Horse Wines

Wine Glass

Image from Ruth L

I don’t know if a horse on the bottle makes the wine taste better, but for horse lovers it might. So I took a little wine journey around the Internet to see how many breweries used our equine friend as a totem.

I believe most of these are located in the US & I’m quite sure horsey wine isn’t limited to American vineyards. If anyone knows of other horse theme brands I’d love to hear about them.

Disclaimer: I haven’t tried a single one of these wines, so drink at your own risk!

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Horses in Fashion

Equestrian Fashion Ad

The equine animal seems to be good friends with haute couture and can often be found hanging out near fashion shoots. In fact, I found so many fashion ad that use them, I had to break my collection up into two parts.

Although I have to admit that I find swimsuit advertising using horses a bit strange. Really, who wants to ride a horse in their swimsuit?
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Horse Quotes

Horse Quotes
Probably every horse site has put together a horse quote collection, so I guess it’s time to share my favorites. As far as I’m concerned, a good quote can always make you smile & some people just know how to put things.
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How the Zebra Got Its Stripes

ZebraThis is an African bushman’s legend about how the zebra got his stripes – I researched and found several different sources, but the story remained the same.

Interestingly enough, this story coincides with how the Baboon came to have such a colorful rear end (and a nasty disposition).

Once Upon A Time

In the early days when the earth was young, the land was hot and dry & water could only be found at scattered watering holes. At one such hole a baboon decided it was time to take charge and appointed himself guard.
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Horse Optical Illusions

Horse illusionIt’s fun to find optical illusions in things and there are tons of them to be found online. So I went for a look around to see how many optical horses I could find.

As my readers know, I’m a big fan of art, so it’s always fun to find new and interesting types to share. (OK, not all of it is art, but they are all illusions).

So check them out, a different twist on horse art. How many horses can you see?

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Blue Eyed Horses Pt 2

Horse with blue eyes

It seems everyone can relate to a cute blue eyed horse and the first installment was very well-received by readers & social media friends. It’s been fun hearing about everyone’s favorite light eyed animal.

In fact, I received several reader contributions so I decided to dedicate part 3 solely to your blue eyed submissions.
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