The Pintabian is an Arabian with tobiano pinto markings and comes in most colors as long as they possess the tobiano white pattern genetics.
The Pintabian was officially recognized in 1992 when the Pintabian Horse Registry was established and by 1996 the breed was incorporated in the State of Minnesota. Bred specifically for the fine Arabian form with beautiful tobiano patterns, they were crossed for a minimum of seven generations to produce a relatively pure type.
Average height 14.2 – 15.2 hands
Head is well shaped with a concave profile
Eyes are bright, clear and kind
Neck is medium in length and arched
Shoulder is long with good slope
Chest is broad
Back is short and strong
Legs are straight and true
Hooves are strong and sound
Traditional Colors
Enthusiastic and responsive
Gentle and intelligent
Riding horse
Show horse
Carriage horse
Equestrian sport
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