Guoxia Pony


The Gouxia Pony comes from the Debao, Jingxi and Tianyan counties of southwest China. It is an ancient breed that probably comes from the Mongolian horse. It’s name translated means Under fruit tree horse. The name and small stature comes from their initial use of holding baskets under fruit trees for harvest.


Later during the Han dynasty these ponies were playthings for concubines and wives. They were mentioned as a plaything during the Dong dynasty as well. After the need for horses was squeezed out of modern agriculture Gouxia numbers began to dwindle, in fact they had been thought extinct. Until 1981 when a herd of about 1,000 ponies under 10 hands was discovered in a remote mountainous area. These animals are distinct in Chinese breeds in that their mane, tail and leg hair grows thick.

Upon finding this herd a breed registry was immediately formed and 390 animals were registered right away. Today the breed is rare, but it’s numbers are solid. Although their small size remains a constant even with improved feeding and conditions. There is speculation that these are in fact, miniature horses and related to the Baise breed of the same area.

If this theory is true, it is an incredibly rare find as the only other naturally occurring miniature horses on the planet are the Caspian. Other mini breeds have been created by mankind through selective breeding.


Average height 9 – 10 hands


Head is short and can be heavy with a straight profile
Neck is short, thick and level
Back is also level (with neck)
Legs are straight with good joints
Feet are strong

Traditional Colors

grey | bay | roan


Quiet and willing
Tough and enduring


Children’s mount