The Novokirghiz is a fairly recent breed that was developed during the 1930’s in Kirghizia and comes from the Old Kirghiz breed. Crosses with Thoroughbred blood have created a lighter & more refined animal in the Novokirghiz.
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The Novokirghiz is a fairly recent breed that was developed during the 1930’s in Kirghizia and comes from the Old Kirghiz breed. Crosses with Thoroughbred blood have created a lighter & more refined animal in the Novokirghiz.
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Also called the Novokirgizskaya, the New Kirgiz Horse was developed using the old Kirgiz breed and was developed around 1930 in Kyrgyzstan.
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The Kyrgyz Horse has been bred in the steppes of central north Asia & Siberia by the Kyrgyz people for over 4000 years. These animals are different than Mongolian animals as they were domesticated prior to Mongolian civilization.
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Also called the Kirgizskaya, the Kirghiz breed has very few pure members left, however they were once the purest & most plentiful of the Mongolian breeds in Russia.
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