Bima Pony


Also called Bimanese, the Bima Pony is a small variety of the Sumbawa Pony and comes from East Nusatenggara, on East Timor.


Most breeds of horse or pony found on the Indonesian islands have been there a long time and are likely to have a foundation of either Indian or Chinese blood. Different areas will breed for different needs, giving the pony from each island a great deal of character. However, there don’t seem to be centralized breeding programs in the country, so there is inter-breeding between neighboring islands.


Average height 11.2-11.6 hands


Head has a straight profile
Neck is short and broad
Shoulder is straight
Legs are slender and strong
Feet are small and hard

Traditional Colors

Solid colors, predominately brown


Docile and obedient


Riding pony
Light draft