Baikal Horse


The Baikal is a small horse from the region of Lake Baikal that borders with Mongolia. The Baikal is not a breed in itself, more of a type, used for all needs of the region. They have been a part of the area for as long as people can remember.


The Baikal is used for light work, transport and tourism where a visitors can rent horses along with a house. It is a tough small horse that is capable of handling rough trails and tough weather.


The Baikal is based on the Mongolian horse with many similar features.


Head is medium in size with a straight profile
Neck is short and widely connected at the shoulder
Back is short and sturdy
Tail is low-set
Legs are thin and long with strong joints
Feet are hard and compact

Traditional Colors

Black, chestnut, bay and brown


Quiet and trustworthy


Trail horse
Riding horse
