Use Organic Horse Products

Horse standing behind a counter with herbs
Horses were made to eat grass and live under the big blue sky. It makes sense that the products we use on them should be safe to their environment. Organic horse products are easier to find than you may think.

Just Look Online

We found some great websites that sell organic products for horses. The products may cost a few more dollars than their chemical filled counterparts, but seriously, horses are expensive. A few bucks extra won’t break the bank.

2 Comments on “Use Organic Horse Products

  1. Lisa St. John

    LavenderSage also carries all organic Feed for horses as well as Nutrition therapy programs/herbal supplements..

    LavenderSage has helped horses recover from Arthritis, Laminitis, Cushings, EPM, Wobblers, Ring bone and many more..

    LavenderSage also aids in preventing such ailments from occurring.

    Take a look..


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