It’s amazing how many products wind up in a horse owners stockpile, everything from wormers to fly sprays to shampoo.
Safety First
When choosing products, consider the health of everyone involved and when you can buy organic, natural and sustainable. In today’s chemical landscape no price is too dear to pay, lucky for us there are still good ones out there and their prices are reasonable.
Mother Nature Knows Best
Let’s face it, people domesticated horses long before chemicals were invented. There are natural ways to keep your animal healthy and they can be responsibly sourced. Everyone can do their part by supporting the companies who share that mantra.

Arbico Organics
Offers a range of natural products for farms & ranches including fly control, manure management and fly sprays. Really a great resource.

A full line of products from fly spray to shampoo all made using human grade ingredients. Their products are not tested on animals.

Green Horse Organics
A handcrafted organic equine line which includes fly spray, detangler, salve, balm and even an thrush remedy and even aromatherapy.

J.R. Liggett
A family run business that began with an aunt making her yearly soap batch, they offer two different types of horse shampoo.

Moss Naturals
Makes a range of natural products for both horse & rider from grooming wipes to leather cleaner all utilizing aromatherapy properties.

The Infused Equestrian
Featuring a rather large line of natural, toxic-free horse care. Many of their products are also organic and GMO-free.

Vermont Soap Organics
The company offers a variety of products for people & animals. Their horse shampoo is the first USDA certified organic shampoo.

Warhorse Solutions
A small line of natural products including leather soap, horse shampoo and even body wash and hand soap for horse lovers.
It’s What’s Inside That Counts
Remember that we are all what we eat, GM products managed to sneak their way into our food so it should come as no surprise that it is in the food our animals eat too. Be sure to support the companies who are responsible with your horses food and stay updated about GM products within the horse industry.
Helpful Reading
Knowledge is power and the more you know the better. GM products have not been tested for long enough to determine their true side effects and have already been shown to cause infertility. Protect your animals from them.
GM Alfalfa Banned
GM-Free Ireland
And there’s ATLAST! Fly Spray. It is 100% organic and cedar oil based. It is effective AND safe! ATLAST! and alternative to the chemicals for your animals. Go to for more info!
Here’s another way to help reduce electricity usage from the wild Angel Cozy Company! An insulation pack that velcros around your 5 gallon water bucket, cutting electricity to heat in half… and better yet for those who don’t heat their winter water buckets … you can be ice free all night no electricity 17 degree weather!
You have to try Green Horse Natural fly Spray-Its the best I have ever used and is Organic.
I will never use anything else, plus my horse stands stock still to get sprayed, she always ran away from other sprays.-Well horses know best! I have spent tons of money on many so called natural sprays that do not work and are mostly just water. http:/www.GreenHorseFlySpray.Com