Unusual Horse Art Pt 7

Unusual Horse Art

Image from Andrew®

Over the past year I’ve featured a huge collection of unusual horse art and it is growing every day. I’ve got a think for unusual art and I’m clearly obsessed with horses so it just fits.

I’ve gotten a great response from theses posts so far and will continue them for as long as people like them. For each work I’ve added the location and artist name where I was able to find them. Be sure to check out the rest of the collection pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6

Unusual Horse Art

Lucky Spot Sculpture in Northumberland, UK – Stella McCartney
Image from StartTheDay

Unusual Horse Art

Image from Mrs. Jenny Ryan

Unusual Horse Art

Yaletown Skytrain Station, Canada – Artist Unknown
Image from subactive_photo

Unusual Horse Art

Image from spaceyjessie

Unusual Horse Art

Image from asterix611

Unusual Horse Art

Image from indrarado

Unusual Horse Art

Horses Mechanical Sculpture at Univ of Wisconsin – Douglas Wilson
Image from WDW

Unusual Horse Art

11th century statue of Hayagriva
Image from quinn.anya

Know Something I Don’t?

Many of the pieces above are untitled & uncredited because I was unable to find their details. If anyone knows where they come from or who created them I hope you’ll leave it in the comments below. Until next time, be sure to check out the rest of the collection.
pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6

One Comment on “Unusual Horse Art Pt 7

  1. Doug wilson

    Dear Sir, I saw an image of an old sculpture of mine with 3 mechanical horses who gallop in a rhythmical motion when a crank is turned by hand. This sculpture was influenced by the previous wire shown above created by Alexand Calder who is fast becoming a huge American modern artist. Sadly now passed away, unlike me. Thanks for thinking my stuff is worh a mention on your site. Doug


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