Stephanie Riggenbach
Website & Places you can find my work online
My new website:
You can also find me at and under the name SREquineImages.
Where I am
Seville, Ohio
Tell us a little about you, what is your background & where do you come from?
I was born and raised in Ohio. I’m self-taught artistically. I never went to college, that just wasn’t for me. I did take two years of Commercial Art in high school, but that’s as far as it went.
I started drawing at a young age, drawing horses of course. I was very fortunate to have a life that allowed me to always be around horses. I can’t imagine life without them.
When did you first start painting horses?
At the age of 4.
What is your favorite breed?
I’d have to say three…Quarter Horses, Paint Horses and Standardbreds
You paint other animals too, what is your favorite subject?
I have done two watercolor paintings of rodeo bulls from pictures that I took at a local rodeo. They were fun to do, but I always keep going back to horses.
Who are your main influences?
I think my main influences are Tim Cox, and Karmel Timmons. They both have such great styles. Tim Cox paints with acrylics, and Karmel Timmons is a graphite artist. And the detail they both achieve is amazing. They’re the reason I started focusing on becoming a more serious artist and concentrating more on doing Western Art.
Do you (or did you) have an animal that is the muse behind your work?
Yes, I do. My Quarter Horse, Mitch. I have possibly hundreds of photos of him, from just this year.
He used to be a big ham, and still is a little, but he’s had his picture taken so many times this year for reference photos, that I think he’s getting a little tired of me and my camera. He is my favorite subject to draw. I love the challenge of trying to capture his personality.
Do you have any secret rituals you do to help you get in the zone for your art?
I listen to music, walking out to our barn and seeing the horses, or looking online at equine art. Usually looking at what another artist has created gets me zoned in to work on my own art.
Is there a particular place that brings you inspiration?
I would have to say the barn. Just seeing my horse in different lighting situations, and seeing possible projects from that is inspiration.
What effect do you think the Internet will have on art in general?
I think it’s mostly positive. It’s exciting to think that people from around the world can see your art work.
Has it had an effect on yours?
Definitely. Seeing other artists art, especially equine art gives me inspiration for my own art. It’s made me see my art differently.
Which one is your personal favorite piece?
I would have to say the pastel/colored pencil piece of my horse Mitch.
Would you ever sell it?
No. It’s my absolute favorite of him, and it means a lot to me.
What else are you passionate about?
My family. They have been the biggest supporters of my work. My two dogs. They make me laugh everyday at their crazy antics. And also college football. I am a big Ohio State Buckeyes fan.
Working on anything new?
Yes I am. I’m currently working on an Amish Buggy horse that I’m doing in pencil. I started it about 7 years ago, and recently found it again, so I thought it’s time to finish it.
More to Come
Thanks to Stephanie for answering the interview and sharing her work. Be sure to check out her art website periodically for updates about her latest works.
Also stay tuned for more interviews with horse artists and photographers.
Are you a horse artist or do you know an equine artist you’d like to see featured? Add your name and website in the comments below or drop me a note to get involved.
Your work is beautiful.
Stunning work!! 🙂 Love your cows!
Thank you Sheri and Leslie!!
I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner…I recieved no e-mail that anyone had replied!
Again, thank you…I appreciate it!!
Hi Stephanie! Love your website displaying some of your beautifully outstanding art & your bio! Thanks!
get over here to know Maureen Finucane and Pastel artist.
Hi Stephanie,
I really enjoyed your interview and the work you do I think is spectacular. It takes a lot of talent, time and patience to create the works you do. I admire you and your ability. Your interview was inspirational and makes me want to get out my art supplies and start drawing. Love your art…don’t ever stop!