Racetrack Outrider – Horse Jobs

racetrack outrider

Perhaps one of the most favored & sought after jobs at the track is that of outrider. A mounted position this one offers a great deal of contact with the animals, along with the responsibility that comes along with it.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from a great deal of track knowledge, superb riding skills and keen senses. Not only are they mounted, but they are responsible for making sure the racehorses make it to the gate safely. Often outriders use their own mounts, allowing them to be comfortable in the saddle and able to turn their attention elsewhere.

A calm demeanor, physical strength and a tireless attitude are all key elements of a successful outrider.

Job Description

Responsible for leading horses to the starting gates and keeping things orderly during the procession. They work closely with trainers & jockeys to ensure everyone gets around safely.


Basic rule enforcement
Leading animals to starting gates
Chasing down run aways
Chasing down any early starters
Sounding the alarm to notify rider injury
Leading animals for morning exercise
Opening & closing the track at the beginning & end of the day
Coordinating with other track personnel
Overseeing morning exercise routines & maintaining order


This position doesn’t require any formal education to acquire. Trainers & Track Managers will be far more concerned with previous track & riding experience. Often these jobs are given to grooms and others who are working their way up through the ranks.

However it never hurts to have formal equine jockey school experience when looking for a job at the racetrack.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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11 Comments on “Racetrack Outrider – Horse Jobs

  1. Lynne

    Deanna most trainers & tracks need you to prove your riding abilities as well as your ability to handle the horse when it is on its way to the track. They may want you to have attended a jockey school, but the most important thing is having excellent riding skill & excellent horse handling abilities. You may want to start out with a trainer as a groom & work your way up the ladder. Good luck!

  2. Shannon Martin

    Hey I’m 13 and I’ve been riding for 9 Years now… And I own a QH paint… I do hunter jumper. I’ve been looking at all the horse jobs and this one fits me perfectly. But im somewhat concerned… If your an outrider do you board your horse at the track for free? If not how much do outriders make? I want to be able to make enough to still care for my horses.

    1. Horseey

      You have to be 18 to outride,And no you cant bored you horse at the track,Some you can but most you cant.You probably will get payed 100 a night (Ballpark).

  3. Jeffrey

    I train/pony racehorses on the bush track and would love to be an outrider. Would that help for applying foran outrider/

  4. Chris Coger

    Hi, I’m Chris I’m 18 years old, I’ve been riding horses since I was 6 years old. I rode horses for two notorious riding programs, Fletcher street urban riding club, and Work to ride. So I’ve been riding horses for quite a while. My question is , What exactally must I do to become an out rider.

  5. Kristin

    I am 17 ( I turn 18 in a couple of months ) and I’ve ridden horses since I was 5, I live next to a race track and I really want a job at the stable there. How can i go about getting one?

  6. Ken Lowber

    I worked on the race track galloping ,ponying .outrider also was clocker Identifier Do you know of any opening for a out rider

  7. Amber

    Hi, I’m sixteen and looking for a summer job at Arlington International Racecourse. I am a horse owner and a very experienced rider. I’ve train OTTBs before. I do not quite make the 18 years of age cut off, and your article suggests working for a trainer to work up the ladder. Do you know how I can find a trainer to get a summer job with. Even if it’s just hot walking, or grooming, I’m in it for the opprotunity and the experience.


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