Racetrack Trainer – Horse Jobs

Racetrack TrainerThe term horse trainer can apply to any discipline and a good trainer will usually stick to one discipline or another. Racetrack trainers spend a great deal of time with each animal in their care, they must know their charges inside and out to maximize their performance on the track.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from attention to detail, the ability to juggle multiple tasks and management experience. Racetrack trainers must work with a variety of people during their day, owners, jockeys, training riders, vets and farriers to name a few.

A flexible attitude, a sublime knowledge of the racing industry and a deep understanding of horse anatomy, physiology and psychology are all essential elements of a great racetrack trainer.

Job Description

A track trainer is responsible for the overall health and performance of each animal in their care, from feeding schedules to training performance to routine vet visits.


Developing feeding & supplement schedules
Establishing worming, vaccination & checkup schedules
Preparing & overseeing training/ exercise schedules
Find and schedule races that match the ability of their charges
Hire & consult with jockeys
Responsible for hiring and overseeing grooms, exercise riders, vets and farriers
Troubleshooting & detect problems or lameness
Help owners buy and sell racing stock & attend auctions
Provide owners consulting for confirmation & pedigree
Manage accounts of each horse


This is a position that will almost always require certification/ licensing, which generally means some course work, a test & perhaps management classes. Qualifications for certification will vary from country to country (and probably state to state). Licensing can also require track experience, a business plan and horses to run.


A few places to start if you are interested in a career as a racetrack trainer.

*Links open in a new window
International Federation of Horseracing Authorities
National Trainers Federation (UK)
Irish Racehorse Trainers Association
New Zealand Trainers Association
California Thoroughbred Racing
Australian Trainers Association
Racehorse Trainers Test

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, try using the search below to find it. You can also find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

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2 Comments on “Racetrack Trainer – Horse Jobs

  1. aurelio nogueira medeiros

    hey its aurelio, i am jockey in brazil,in 2002 i do trying england working rider staying trere 7 years .now i am back home in brazil. look for job on racehorse work rider

  2. Parvesh

    hi my name is parvesh i am from India (pune) i have work 6 years in India as a groom an track rider 2 year in UK as a track rider 1 year in Australia as a track rider now i am working in new Zealand as a track rider now i have bean hear 2 year 3 month before i got my apprentice race riding licence i have 13 starts an 1 win three 4th
    and I am looking for a job


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