Pinto Horse Art

It’s no secret the the pinto is (probably) my favorite horse coloration – piebald, skewbald I love them all. There is just something about the contrast between bold colors on a field of bright white.

All the Pretty Horses

Recently I’ve been doing a weekly post featuring different horse colors in art. It’s interesting to see how artists portray different coat colors and a fun collection to have. So far I’ve shared white (pt. 2), black (pt. 2) & red horses in art and today it’s all about those spots! Spotted animals are thought to be of ancient origin and despite common misconception pintos (& appaloosas) aren’t a product of the wild wild west. Their roots go way further back in history and they were often reserved for the wealthy or royalty.

Carlos IV with Horse - Francisco de Goya

Carlos IV with Horse – Francisco de Goya

Horse With a Saddle Next to it - Abraham van Calraet

Horse With a Saddle Next to it – Abraham van Calraet

Aurora - Guido Reni

Aurora – Guido Reni

Italian Landscape with Herdsman & a Piebald Horse - Karel Dujardin

Italian Landscape with Herdsman & a Piebald Horse – Karel Dujardin

Qianlong & His Court - Unknown

Qianlong & His Court – Unknown

Apsaroka Horse - John Andrew & Son

Apsaroka Horse – John Andrew & Son

Fleeing Horses - Arvid Fredrik Lönnroth

Fleeing Horses -Arvid Fredrik Lönnroth

Aurora -  Guercino

Aurora – Guercino

Lord Grosvenor's Arabian Stallion with Groom -  George Stubbs

Lord Grosvenor’s Arabian Stallion with Groom – George Stubbs

The Edinburgh and London Royal Mail -  John Frederick Herring Sr.

The Edinburgh and London Royal Mail – John Frederick Herring Sr.

So Many Colors

I have a few more colors up my sleeve so stay tuned because it seems that wednesdays are turning into art days. Until next week be sure to check out the other colors. white (pt. 2) | black (pt. 2) | red

8 Comments on “Pinto Horse Art

  1. Bambi-Jeanne Bond

    What a great variety of sources – variety of locations and eras of pinto horses. My favorite has always been Jacques-Louis David’s Romantic painting of Napoleon Crossing The Alps. I’ve also seen some pintos & spotted horses drawing pageant wagons in medieval paintings. Thanx for sharing your passion for horse art!

  2. Snoo

    I love Pintos, once I rode a tobiano pinto with one blue eye and a brown eye and he was the most wonderful to ride and really nice.Thanks for sharing, really good art. I can’t really choose an absolute favourite! They’re all so good!

    Snoo 🙂


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