Painted Horse Statues – Vienna

Painted horse in Vienna

It seems that painting life sized horse statues is a growing trend around the world. I’ve done a little research and I don’t know if they are all connected to the Trail of Painted Ponies or if they are independent. (Anyone know?).

In my many searches for horse art, I have run across tons of pictures of painted horse statues, so I started collecting them to share. Vienna has a part two coming and that is just the tip of the iceberg, there are plenty of cities to come.

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Painted horse in Vienna

Image from Kiera D Cannith

Have A Favorite?

Don’t pick one yet, there are a lot more painted horses to come. Stay tuned for pt. 2 of Vienna’s horses & more from cities around the globe, until then why not take a look at some horse artist interviews?

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