Horse Artist Interview – Kathryn Capley

Kathryn Capley


Where I am
Central IL

Tell us a little about you, what is your background & where do you come from?
My Mom rode when she was pregnant.

I got my first horse a month before I was born. I don’t remember learning to ride.

My father is an equine vet. My mom trained harness race racehorses.

I worked for both my parents growing up. I have managed a horse farm, breeding, foaling, breaking training etc. I have successfully shown in dressage on a horse I have trained to 3rd level.


When did you first start sculpting?
I was making images of horses before I could read or write. I won my first award for art in 1st grade. I was accepted at the Art Institute of Chicago when I was 16 on the basis of my portfolio.

I completed high school in 3 years and graduated from Illinois State university with a BFA with Honors. I have been sculpting/drawing all along and working professionally for almost 20 years.

Your technique is unique, can you tell us a little about it?
I make hand rendered works in metal, small scale to life sized, each work is original.

It is physically demanding. I enjoy the immediacy of the process.

Small Draft

What is your favorite animal subject?

Is there a particular horse breed you fancy more than the rest?
Dressage horses

Who are your main influences?
Many, can’t name them all.


Do you (or did you) have an animal that is the muse behind your work?
Admiral – my horse – he paints! He raises money for the equine rescue I volunteer at with the sale of his paintings.

He has a page on my web site and you can see a video of him painting on youtube.

He is 15, I have had him since he was 4.

Do you have any secret rituals you do to help you get in the zone for your art?
I send my husband shopping with a very long disorganized list.

Collected Trot

Is there a particular place that brings you inspiration? No

What effect do you think the Internet will have on art in general?
It is wonderfully liberating for the artist and collector/fans. Artists can represent themselves and collectors/fans can deal with the artist directly.

Has it had an effect on yours?
Yes, a very positive affect.

Grazing & Meggitt's Colt

Which one is your personal favorite piece?
My favorite piece is installed in a private garden in New hope, PA. A life sized mare and foal.

Would you ever sell it?
It is sold

What else are you passionate about?
I do much volunteer work for equine and feline rescues.

Fox & Walk

Working on anything new?
Always – finished 5 new works last week and have a handful of commissions! Very good to be very busy!

More to Come

Thanks to Kathryn for answering the interview and sharing her art. Be sure to check out her art website periodically for updates about her latest works.

Also stay tuned for more interviews with horse artists and photographers.

Are you a horse artist or do you know an equine artist you’d like to see featured? Add your name and website in the comments below or drop us a note to get involved.

5 Comments on “Horse Artist Interview – Kathryn Capley

  1. Gitza Peterson

    Hi !
    I’m looking for Kitty Capley’s email address. I would like to retain her for another horse and rider sculpture. The phone number I have no longer works.
    Thank you for your help,


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