Kathleen Steventon – Horse Artist Interview

Kathleen Steventon

Website & Places you can find my work online
Website: www.steventonart.com
Wild Spirit Gallery: Kathleen Steventon
Blackbird Gallery: Kathleen Steventon
Facebook: Kathleen Steventon
Follow Kathleen on Twitter: @treegirl59

Where I am
I live in Pagosa Springs, CO. That’s in the Four Corners area.

Tell us a little about you, what is your background & where do you come from?
I grew up in the NJ/NY area, one of 9 children. Received my Landscape Architecture degree from Rutgers Univ., and worked in that profession for about 9 years. Married a Brit, and we moved to the UK to work/live. From there we worked/lived in Saudi Arabia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, and finally back to the States, moving back to our NJ roots and family.

Had a soul searching after 9/11 and decided to create more meaningful lives, which meant pursuing our life long dreams of becoming working artists and moving to CO for a slower and more beautiful pace of life.

Splish Splash V

When did you first start painting?
I’ve loved art since I’ve been about five or six. I picked up the paint brush in my late twenties, professionally since my early forties.

Has it always been horses, or do you enjoy painting other subjects?
I absolutely LOVE horses, but having said that, I love all animals and paint a variety of them. Now that we’ve lived here for nearly seven years, I plan on painting some Colorado landscapes. It has taken me this long to feel that I have the depth of understanding to do so. With animals, that understanding seems to be innate and instantaneous. The landscapes around here are so big it has taken me a while to feel competent to be able to portray them on canvas.

In His Sight

Your technique is unique, do you see the animal in the canvas, or does it come to life for you as you work?
I always have a thought before I begin each painting, but as the canvas evolves, the original idea is superceded by what is happening in the studio.

I am nearly always surprised by the finished painting. It took me three years to develop this style, one which I am very happy with, but which continues to evolve as my work evolves.

Sintz Mischief

Who are your main influences?
My main heros in art are Van Gogh, for his use of color and composition, and O’Keeffe for her use of color and contrast, as well as composition. Other than these two deceased artists, the animals influence me each and every day. They are a huge part of our lives here in CO.

Do you (or did you) have an animal that is the muse behind your work?
No. No one animal has been a muse. They ALL are and give me tremendous joy.

Do you have any secret rituals you do to help you get in the zone for your art?
No. My only struggle is to battle the usual inertia, to get out to the studio and paint! Once I’m there I’m in another world and everything disappears except the canvas.

Bear Dare

Is there a particular place that brings you inspiration?
Our small 2 acre wooded property inspires me every day. It is spectacularly beautiful here, with abundant wildlife, and I never take it for granted.

What effect do you think the Internet will have on the art industry?
The internet is HUGE for sharing ideas and artful images, as well as being used as a marketing tool.

Has it had an effect on yours?
Yes, the internet has broadened my ability to market my work, as well as helping me find new shows to enter, especially public art exhibitions. In addition, it helps connect me with other artists and share ideas and experiences.

Trio I

Which one is your personal favorite piece?
Oh my gosh. My personal favorite changes every month and year. I have a fondness for them all. I’ve kept a few for myself and hang them in our home. My first breakthrough with the palette knife, my first large piece, etc.

When I sign my pieces, with small initials in a corner, if the “S” for my last name is seen backwards, then that is my secret sign that this piece is a favorite of mine.

Would you ever sell it?
I do keep my very favorites for myself in most cases. I have sold a few that I wouldn’t mind having back!

Quintessential II

What else are you passionate about?
I am passionate about animals, my volunteer work at our local animal shelter, and gardening.

Working on anything new?
I’m ALWAYS working on something new! I paint nearly every day. Right now I have a new equine series that I’m just beginning, for a show at the Blue Pig Gallery in Palisade CO. The show will open June 1 2010, and I’m thrilled to have been asked by the gallery to be their guest artist. I’m also starting a new series on wolves, and landscapes. And most likely a fourth series that could be socially orientated. Social commentary on these strange times in which we live.

Mysterious Challenger

More to Come

Thanks to Kathleen for answering the interview and sharing her work. Be sure to check out her artist site periodically for updates about her latest works.

Also stay tuned for more interviews with horse artists and photographers.

Are you a horse artist or do you know an equine artist you’d like to see featured? Add your name and website in the comments below or drop us a note to get involved.

22 Comments on “Kathleen Steventon – Horse Artist Interview

  1. Diane Taylor

    I am in awe of the beauty of this artist’s work. Her gentle spirit comes through in each and every piece – and I look forward to seeing her latest masterpieces. Also, I am so thankful to be her sister 🙂

  2. Jan Haybert

    I am lucky enough to own two pieces of Kathy Steventon’s work and would love to own more. Her talent as an artist is evident when you see her work – the bonus is feeling you have made a friend.

  3. Andrea Lyle

    I never would have believed I would love this type of art so much. It is unique and absolutely beautiful. Kathleen has a way of capturing the true essence and energy of the subjects she paints. Her own energy and love come through in every piece she does. Her style sets her apart and one day her work will by known and recognized by it. People will simply say “that is a Steventon”.

    Okay, so I am a little biased because she is my very best friend, but every word of it is true and I am honored to be her friend.

  4. Keytara

    Nice! Love the painting of the wolf.

    I’m from the East Coast too and love the light and open spaces in Colorado. I bet you’ll paint some lovely landscapes!

  5. hazel appleby

    i have seen Kathy develope over the past 20yrs,her ability to breath life into her work is no less than world class,just love her, like Diane i am proud she is my sister(in law)

  6. Keytara

    You are blessed to have such supportive, interested relatives who appreciate your work. BTW I can see the Van Gogh influence. I like the animal energy coming through in your work and look forward to seeing your new series on wolves and landscapes. Paint on!

  7. Keytara

    You’re welcome. One of the rescue groups that I’m waiting to hear from is Aspen Valley Horse Rescue in Basalt, CO. They’ve just rescued approximately 153 horses from Canada and North Dakota and they need to raise more money for these horses at risk of being sent to slaughter.
    The contact person is Kathy Raife, 970-319-1635, aspenvalleyhorserescue@gmail.com.
    Maybe we could put on an art show fundraiser here in Colorado. They already had one in NYC and raised a few thousand.
    Let me know what you think-keytara@msn.com.

  8. Jim and Annette (Kleyn)

    Love the paintings, like the wolf best guess because I love dogs; you capture its intelligence very well. Keep up the great work .. Jim and Annette

  9. Barbara Rosner

    I have been a fan of Kathy’s work for years. In the last year I have been fortunate enough to acquire two of her pieces! (Including one with her secret sign of the backward S!) Not only is Kathy a gifted artist but she is a beautiful person, giving of herself to many worthy causes.

  10. Sharon Kessler

    I love your paintings. I too, paint and sketch. Of course, I am a horse nut also, so most are horses or wildlife. We used to live north of Durango, so of course have a passion for wildlife. Here on the ranch, are many animals and scenes to paint. I wish you the best and thanks for sharing your work.

  11. Madeline Lyon

    We are honored to represent Kathleen Steventon in Wild Spirit Gallery. Her work draws a variety of people who appreciate not only her subject matter, but also the way she uses color and composition. The palette knife is magic in her hands!
    Kathleen doesn’t just volunteer at our humane society, she champions the dogs she cares about. I should know–I adopted one she was campaigning. And I’m grateful to have such a wonderful dog.
    Wild Spirit Gallery would be happy to host, sponsor, promote, an art event to benefit the horse rescue in Basalt and/or the wolf haven in Ignacio.

    1. Kathy Steventon

      Madeline, you are a wonderful giving spirit that I cherish. Thank you for your offer to help these causes! And THANK you for adopting your two beautiful dogs from the shelter.

  12. Pat Edmonds

    Kathy, your pictures are wonderful. I love the colours and how you capture the spirit (and form) of the animals. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


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