Willy Bosschem is a Belgian artist who has dabbled in a variety of mediums from etching and illustration to graphic design and painting. His portfolio includes a number of sets for theater & tv as well as stamps for Belgium, Rwanda & Senegal.
Willy is clearly a lover of the human form, but his love of animal shapes also comes through in his work. In fact, his love of shape led him to become quite creative in his methodology and medium choices.
His work is full of curves & color and carries overtly sexy themes, deftly displayed with movement and vibrance.
Willy was a big cat lover and some of his most beautiful paintings (in my opinion) are birds, but he clearly appreciated the equine form as well.
Even More Horse Art
There is plenty more art to see, hope everyone will check out more art from the greats.
Valentin Serov | James Ward | Frederic Remington | Evariste Vital Luminais | Alfred deDreux | Peter Nicolai Arbo | George Stubbs | Leonardo da Vinci | Eugene Delacroix | Paul Rubens