Born in Munich, Franz Marc went on to be known as one of the principal artists of the German Expressionist movement. He studied in Munich and in Paris where he discovered the work of Vincent van Gogh.
Much of Marc’s work was done in woodcut and lithography and he was fond of using vibrant color to portray his animals while placing them in more muted natural settings.
Color had a great deal of meaning to Franz, so each color he used was infused with emotion and meaning. Blue for masculinity & spirituality, yellow for femininity & joy and red for the sound of violence.
Weekly Art
As most of my readers know, I’ve quite taken to finding horse art and sharing it. There are so many amazing artists out there who find horses worthy of their talent. Check out some past posts.
Valentin Serov | James Ward | Frederic Remington | Evariste Vital Luminais | Alfred deDreux | Anton Mauve | George Stubbs | Willy Bosschem | Henry Farny | Farny Pt. 2
I painted one of these (Blue horse 1) at school… so friggin’ hard xD
… but do not forget: Franz Marc said: “I do not want to paint Horses, I want to paint a picture!” – it is the difference to natural seeing he intendet to show. – But of course, I love his animals! Thank you again for your work!
I am a huge fan of Franz Marc, I thoroughly enjoyed recreating his beautiful paintings for an art project, and have been in love with him ever since. His views on colour and spirituality too are fascinating, if you have ever read ‘Concerning The Spiritual in Art’ by Marc and Wassily Kandinsky?
A lot of my artwork is greatly inspired by him, can you see the similarities?
im doing 1 now its hard
but its cool