The Horses of Francisco de Goya

Disparate punctualHorse art on Saturdays seems to have become a habit and every week I look forward to seeing which artist is next on my list to use.

A Little About Francisco

Francisco de Goya was a Spanish painter and printmaker who is considered among the last of the old masters in some circles and among the first of the moderns in others.

He was also a court painter for the Crown and a chronicler of history.

Overtaken By Darkness

Francisco clearly had a sinister side and he battled mental illness late in life. As his sickness progressed he entered a dark period where his art centered on witchcraft, war, nightmares and the loneliness of mental instability.

The horses he painted reflect this darkness in him and are often shown in battle or the bull ring.

Maria Teresa de Vallabriga a caballo

Maria Teresa de Vallabriga a caballo

A woman and a horse, let someone else master them

A woman and a horse, let someone else master them

General Palafox

General Palafox

Mariano Ceballos alias el indio mata al toro desde su caballo

Mariano Ceballos alias el indio mata al toro desde su caballo

Mariano Ceballos, alias El Indio, mata al toro desde su caballo

Mariano Ceballos, alias El Indio, mata al toro desde su caballo

And so was his grandfather

And so was his grandfather

This always happens

This always happens

He defends himself well

He defends himself well

Carlos IV a caballo

Carlos IV a caballo

It’s Important To Appreciate The Masters

So why not check out horses through the eyes of Durer, Leonardo da Vinci,
George Stubbs, Eugene Delacroix & Picasso?

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