Racetrack Exercise Rider – Horse Jobs

Man riding a horse on a racetrack

An exercise rider spends a great deal of time with the animals themselves. They are responsible for riding the racehorses during their exercise runs on the track.

What You Need

This is a position which benefits from a knowledge of horses and the racing industry, a strong teamwork ethic and a love of the outdoors. Exercise riders work closely with the each horse’s trainer to keep the animal at peak performance level.

Strong communication skills, the ability to think/ act quickly and attention to detail are all characteristic of a good exercise rider.

Job Description

Responsible for morning workouts, introducing racehorses to the starting gate process & providing feedback to the trainer regarding the condition of the animal.


Morning Workouts
Monitor mounts condition, temperament & movement
Reporting progress or issues to the trainer
Introducing and training with the starting gate
Cleaning & conditioning of tack after use
Often assist with daily stable duties (depending upon the size of the stable)


Exercise riders can be employed by a trainer, a stable or work freelance. Where requirements are concerned all three options will be similar. Generally a high school education is expected (especially by large stables), but more importantly, riding & previous racetrack experience will be essential when applying for this position.

There are schools that provide an education for those who want to get into the field and additional schooling is always a plus.

The Right Job For You?

If this isn’t your dream horse job, you can find more horse job descriptions on our careers page.

Please be aware that when you post your personal information in the comments it is public and can be used by anyone. Protect yourself and keep identifiable information (like last name, email, address and phone numbers) out of public online spaces.

126 Comments on “Racetrack Exercise Rider – Horse Jobs

  1. James Short

    Hi my name is James and i have ridden work in australia for about 10 years now. i have been apprentice jocky for david hayes and 2ic for david payne at Rosehill. NSW. My partner and I are thinking about making the move to ride somewhere in europe and thought this would be a good start, if anyone can help please get in touch. Thanks James Short

    1. Brittany

      Hi James my name is Brittany. I am VERY interested in a career dealing with horses, whether it be with exercise or any other form of working with horses. I was just wondering how you got to where you are?

    2. Karen Dewhurst

      Hi James,

      I am sure I am too late with this answer, but I worked at the British Horseracing Authority in London. To get work on any UK racecourses, or stable yards you can call them on (0044)2071520000 and speak to someone in the Industry and Recruitment department, they will be able to sort you out.
      Hope this helps.


    3. eswanraj

      hi my name is Eswanraj i lives in mauritius i wont to work at your stable . i have five years experiance

  2. sam

    Hi my name is Sam and i’m from India. i have been riding horses from last 5 years and continuing. Rightnow i’m finding someone who will sponcer me. i’m confident for my work and responsiblities so no chance 4 any weekness, so don’t be hesitate to contact with me. i’ll never let anyone down….just give me a chance and i’ll prove myself….
    Thanks & Regards

  3. Sara

    Hi my name is Sara. I really want to become an exercise rider and I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips on how to do this. I’m not sure how to start this kind of career. Thanks

    1. John Perez jr.

      Hello, Sara
      My name is john Perez Jr.
      Sara, I just retired as a jockey due to the beating my body
      has taken.I broke my neck and had surgery to fix the problem.
      I am a second generation jockey,my father was a jockey.
      The life is hard,watching your weight is the biggest problem
      along with a ton of pressure to win all the time.
      Being a jockey is physical.You must learn about the animal first,
      then you move along being a hot walker,then a exercise rider, then
      you must be able to break from the starting gate with a panel of racing officals watching you. You get on the racetrack and work your way up under a trainer or you can go to the chris mccaron jockry school in lexington, kentucky. You can also contact the jockeys guild for more information
      the toll free number is 1-866-465-6257 just ask for information on the jockey school.Sara it’s a hard life for a girl or boy! I know from 20 years of being a jockey. I hope this helps you.
      I would go to college and get an education if,I had to do it again!
      Hope this helps you.
      John Perez

      1. Shelby Lynn Loy

        Dear John Perez my name is shelby loy im 12 years old and im obsessed with racing! I came across this websight and your message caught my eye! i live in kentucky and would love to become a jockey and no one can ever make me chang my mind. I was wondering if you kew of any places were i could train to some day become a jockey?(any wear near sebree ky or evensvill would be nice)MY LIFE GOLE IS TO WIN THE TRIPLE CROWN!!! I have confedence that i can if i have a great trainer and a fast horse! it would be sooo great if you could wright back becase i really want to become a jockey and spend my life with horses. i know that im yong still but the yonger you train the better! right? you haave no clue how bad i want to spend my lifedoing this. soplese let me live my dream and i will thank you when i win the triple crown!!!!!!!

        shelby loy 🙂

      2. nicole gibson

        hi im nicole and i was looking around with my friend katrena and we are 13 years old and we want to find a job of Exercise Rider in Michigan or northern Indiana.we have a lot of experiance with horses katrena has been riding them since she was 5 and broke her arm from geting bucked off when she was 7 and i have been riding since i was 8 and i show english (katrena does western) and im starting to do barrel racing.katrena on the other hand is doing barrel and pole so she is use to galloping.but we love racing each other we have been dreaming to race since we were little and we r a team if u want one of us u get both of us.u can get ahold of us (katrena @) cece12blue@hotmail.com and me @ bankkgibson@att.net her cell is 1269-240-5531 call or email if u no anyone looking for raders we dont plan on racing yet but we would love to exercise horses. oh and we are 5ft7.so ya thnkz

      3. Skylar Wolfe

        Hello John Perez,
        My name is Skylar and I am 15 almost 16 years old. I am very interested in becoming a thoroughbred exercise rider. I saw your comment and was wondering if you happen to know of any farms or tracks in Massachusetts. If anyone else sees this comment and have a job opening for an exercise rider in Mass PLEASE contact me. I have been riding since I was one year old and have much experience working with horses from 11hh to 18hh, all temperaments. I also have experience in jumping, I’ve gone up to 3’6″. For more info on me or comments I would really appreciate it if you would contact me. Thanks so much! My email is spirit15@charter.net and my phone is 508-309-5845.
        Skylar Wolfe

    2. Stephen Ramsay

      Hi Sarah
      Just look for a job. If you can ride recehorses well, you will soon get a job with someone who will teach you how to excercise ride. Oh, and if you would like to work in France I know someone who is looking for a temp. or permanent person right now. email me on stephenramsay@numeo.fr if you are interested.
      Cheers Stephen

  4. cailin

    im currently doing a track rider traineeship cert III
    this qualifies me on the job aswell as experiance and i can get my strappers licance
    you can go to tafe and do theese or if your still at school you can do a school based traineehip, if you need help then just email me cailintaylor@hotmail.com
    hope that helped

  5. jake nelson

    hello everyone i am a exercise rider in northen california im looking for work out of california im a hard worker.if you have any info that would be great..thank you

    1. Robyn Bartholomew

      Hello Jake,

      We are looking for an exercise rider for our race horses here in Iowa. If interested please email…I would provide transportation and place to stay. Thanks, Robyn

      1. jake nelson

        hello sorry it took so long to reply. in iowa what race track? im looking somewhere new to gallop and soon start my jockey career. you if you still need someone let me know asap thank you. jake nelson

      2. Alix Chace

        Hi Robyn,

        I just saw an old message of yours on an internet board. Are you still looking for exercise riders? I have some experience on a training track in South Carolina (Glenview Farm) where I rode two and three year olds out for their daily workout with the trainer, ex jock Joey Hanson. It was a blast and I am looking to get my exercise rider license for working at a track.

        However the stewards want to see more experience on my credentials ( I have ridden TBs all my life though just not on a track except for down at South Carolina last fall). In terms of my background, I am a graduate B of United States Pony Clubs and also evented Training level on TBs).

        Thanks so much for your help,

        (978) 732-3354

      3. Ashley


        I am interested in exercise riding race horses in Michigan, whether its Arabians, Quarter Horses, Paints, and Thoroughbreds. I have been riding since I was very young. I have helped train horses and have trained my own. I have done english and western sports. Have also loved racing. Did barrel racing and poles for awhile and LOVED it. I have started horses and handled high strong horses before. I have worked at horse barns in the past. Horses are my passion. I would also love combining my horse knowledge of horse training and help train some race horses too as well as riding them. I have some ideas with training horse horses and would love a go at it. Please if your interested email me @ Abba-Zaba1998@hotmail.com and put in the subject line “Horse Exercising or Horse Training Job Offer.” Thanks so much.


      4. Felicia

        Hello, I’m very interested in galloping for you I have been galloping since last year, I can ride English and western , I’m 22 we’ve had horses all my life i would do anything from cleaning stalls to riding please email me back, I’m in Michigan but definitely willing to relocate

    2. Michael Russell

      Jake Nelson,

      If you are an excercise rider and still seeking work, I do have a position open. I am looking for an experienced exercise rider to start/exercise and work with thoroughbreds. I have a 2 bedroom apartment available to the right person with the right qualifications. If you do have experience, please contact me. russellracingstables@gmail.com My name is Mike. You would need to relocate to Nebraska. If you email me, please leave a phone number to contact you.

      1. carlo raquel

        Hi I’m carlo raquel from Philippines i am a horse jockey here at Philippines and I’m looking a job. i love to work in the field of horse rider. in my 10 year for being horse rider i win 100 tournament here in the Philippines. i looking forward to continue my job even in other country. for more detail please send me a info to my email address ( mr_cbraquel@yahoo.com@yahoo.com ) or reach me at +639064862625 Thank you…


    hello, my name is ROBI, i am origionally from africa my back ground is from farmer family.i personaly love horse.i have been riding and talkcaring a horse for my family since i was 4years old. i have spend most of my life dealing with horse and i really have a confidence that if i get a chance one day i defenatly going to make it no qustion.hopefully i will keep on praying to the job.

  7. rachid

    I am looking for a fulltime job in exercising race horses till March. I have lots of experince with horses and i am a confident rider. I am very commited to working with the thoroughbreds and i put all my effort into making the best out of them and watching them win. I am prepared to work fulltime as a track rider or breaking in thoroughbreds or help keeping them fit for their next races and exercisng them on a daily basis. If you also have any problemed horses that you know have potential but you just dont have the time to work on them, then im all yours to bring out their full potential or get them in an excellent state for their next rider. If you are interested please email me on gnii68@hotmail.com 00971501292938

  8. Maddie

    I am a college student and have been riding for over 10 years with extensive training in English, mostly hunter jumper. I have been trained in Western as well. I ride for Sweet Briar College in Virginia. I have worked as a groom/exerciser for various trainers exercising any horses they needed worked. I am experienced with all dispositions of horses, especially young, and hot-temperament horses. I would like to find work exercising race horses in IL. If anyone here knows where I could find work in IL let me know.
    Thanks So Much!

  9. gapit

    im from phillippines ive been working for 2 year in saudi,2 six month to kwait and 1 year in japan. 1991-up to now im active jockey..im willing to work as a groom/ exercise jockey………hard working and willing to learn more……my 09183181157.marwan_gapit@yahoo.com god be with you.thanks.hoping for the best.

  10. Kelly

    Hi my name is Kelly i am 14 years old i would like to be an exercise rider. i have been riding since i was bout 5 im confident in what i do if someone could please tell me how i can get started it would be much appreciated. i am looking to work as a ranch hand in southern california if anyone knows work there and is needing a ranch hand please let me know. seeing as im 14 nearly 15 i cant have a legal job but id like the experience. i have wroked as a ranch hand before i know the animal well.
    thanks much,

  11. Mandy

    I am 13 and have been working with horses since i was 9. i literally only weigh 85 lb. and i ride english and love it. I’ve always dreamed of exercising racehorses considering that I’m so light, and i also know so much about horses and riding.

    Thank You,


  12. Emily Triesch

    I’m an Equestrian Science major at William Woods Univ. Looking for paid internships over summers (April-August) and a full career upon graduation. I’d like to get into equine rehabilitation for post op race horses or sport horses. Very willing to be an exercise rider. To anyone across the US – let me know! emily_triesch@yahoo.com

  13. jose rivera,jr

    hi my name is jose rivera,jr am 31 years am 5,10 tall in am 110… am looking for i gallop job … i work really hard for my family… i was riding in golden gate.. canada,, emerald downs in many more,,,am just want to gallop for good am just need the oportunyty from some trainer..i live in seattle,,wa,, if is any job send me i email in then i will call you thank you in god bless you

      1. Kyle Eugene Van Epps

        Hi there Mr. Michael Russell. I am just wondring if your still looking for help? You can call or text me at 760-975-4857, or email me at bearnkyle1@hotmail.com.

        I hope to here from you soon thanks.

  14. jake nelson

    hello im jake ive been riding horses my whole life and ive been galloping race horses in northen california. im looking to find work out of cali and start galloping somewhere else i wake up and show up 7 days a week. i also want to become a jockey i work/breeze horses i take all types of horses to the gates, if anyone needs help contact me asap 9253537994 thank you.

    1. haley stratton

      hey brianna i am 14 but i love horses and have been on the back of a horse and day dreamin about it in school since i was 6 mounths old . i live in ky and love beenin here in the horse capital of the world! i kno that if u want to learn more about horses i could hepl u just e-mail me at marycain@godisforyou.com

  15. Nadia

    Hi, my name is Nadia i am sort of new to the horse world. But i knew the moment i was around a horse i wanted to have a career being around them. There’s only one problem though… i have no clue which job would be best for me!? i love to ride English/western, but i have little experience riding. I also thought about being a equine vet but i don’t want to go to school for that long , i would like to start a career as soon as i can. I am currently a high school student in grade 10 and im worried about what type of career that i am going to have, all i know is that i want to be around horses. so if anyone has any idea on what is a good career choice for me please email me or just reply thank youu!! 🙂

  16. lindsey

    Hello, my name is Lindsey. I have been riding for 5 years and want to begin a creer exercising race horses. i have been riding green horses and exercising hunter horses and ponies. I just do not know where to start everywhere i look there is a 5 year minimum experiance. How can i get started? any info would be great! e-mail me at



  17. Tiffany

    Hi my name is Tiffany and I’m turning 22 on december 19th. I’ve been wanting a job working with horses all my life, mainly wanting a job on the track with racehorses as an exercise rider or something. Problem is I don’t have any experience with them (racehorses), I have basic knowlegde of riding, grooming, feeding, etc. I used to own some horses but had to sell them cause it was too expensive to keep them. I know most people are looking for someone with experience, but how is someone to gain experience if there is no one willing to give me a chance… Some people have told me to go to school, but I can’t afford it :/ I currently live in montrose colorado, but am willing to move if there is living space available. I’m willing to work for a small pay (so I can pay bills off) Im a really hard worker and very passionate about horses. you can contact me at zenyatta4ever@hotmail.com

  18. armando rivera

    hi my name is arman augilar rivera ..iam riding 17 years .ive been to kwuait,qatar,as a jockey..japan,and korea.as track rider doing all around job stable…iam willing to work full time and know how to teach new horses 2 year old.iam active jockey of the philippines…..willing to work abroad….+639172428914 my mobile number…..hope to work with you soon….GOD BLESS

    1. Michael Russell

      Armondo Rivera,

      If you are still looking for exercise rider position, please contact me. I am a thoroughbred stable owner and need a good rider. Please contact me. russellracingstables@gmail.com Located in Nebraska. Apartment available to right person. Thanks, Mike

  19. Kevin Giles

    Hi my name is Kevin Giles.. I’m 29 5’6 and i weigh 140 pounds.. I have a huge dream to be one day an exercise rider but not sure how to get started… I live in Florence Ky literally 20 min from Turfway Park.. I’ve been a Horse racing fan for 19 years and i’m very built for my size.. I’m single with no kids so i would be perfect for the job.. If anyone has information for me to do so please let me know.. I am willing to start from ground up and work my way up.. Very Very interested and an extremely hard worker.. I learn extremely fast… If anyone could help me out e-mail me at kevingiles@ymail.com.. Thanks..

  20. A.M.T

    Hi I just came aross this website today and thought I may be of assistance to the new exercise riders and jockeys who have already posted. I have been a exercise rider for 6 years and was approved to start my jockey career at Ellis Park. The best place to learn to gallop is a training farm. I started in Ocala Fl. Then went on to gallop on salary with the Von Hemels at prairie meadows in iowa. After galloping in iowa, arkansas, louisiana, ariZona, and kEntucky. I found that its best to be approved to race ride at a track where your abilites are polished as far as galloping and working horses. I tried to get my jockeys license in iowa but that was the first racetrack I had galloped at when I was still green the starter and other jocks remember how green I was and even five years later weren’t willing to give me a chance. I went to ellis park and was approved in two weeks by the starter. Also, ride as many training races as you can. Not all tracks have them but I rode them in iowa and I know there are many other tracks that have them also. It takes a long time to learn to work different horses and have a internal stop watch so if the trainer says work my horse in .37 second you know exactly how fast you are going. It takes a while but stick with it. This life is tough and there are more disappointments than you think but just keep things in perspetive and you will make it.

    1. Arrielle Fazzina

      AMT just read the post, and have to say your right as rain on how tough it is, this carreer is not for the faint of heart, when I was at the Folsom Traning Center one of our best mares got very ill she was impacted and needed to be tubed the owner of her said that he did not have the money for such treatment and she was later put down at the age of 7. I have had my fair shares of tough times, at first I didnt think that I could handle the physical and mental pressures, quite frankly I still doubt myself on a lot. But it should get better with time right? I havent found out yet.

  21. Arrielle Fazzina

    My name is Arrielle and I was working as a bug/excersise rider for the folsom training center in Folsom louisiana, I an currently looking for a replacement job as such, I have had no training in the gates to date, have been on 2 year old and older, I wish to further my education on the track so that I can continue on this carreer. I have rode horses for as long as I can remember, I am 19 years old I stand 4 foot 9 intches and I am not getting any taller, I weigh 98lbs on a good day, I had to quit working at the Folsom training center due to some illegal things going on. if anyone has any info for someone looking for a rider, or for futrue riding education, please reply to this or email me at: arrielledickens@yahoo.com please put JOCKEY in the subject line.

  22. marvin leal

    im marvin leal i work as a groom,ive been working in phillipines horse racing,iknow a lot of horses,im willing to work in about to continue my job.you can call me at 09325342363.

  23. marvin leal

    im willing to work abroad if theres an opportunity,i will do my best to work with you as a groom,thank you,god bless!

  24. Savannah

    Hello, My name is Savannah i been riding for 8 years i have ridden all kinds of horses. I want to become a exercise rider, And if i get good enough maybe even a jockey. I been working with some race horses at this one barn and i want to do more. How can i become a exercise rider and do i need licenced for it to work on the track with race horses.

  25. Ashley Williams

    Hello. My name is Ashley. I am a 15 year old girl who trains horses and would like to start exercise horses. I live in Southern California about 30 minutes from the Del Mar Race Track. I have ridden since the age of 7. I have ridden Saddleseat, Hunter/Jumper, Western and Dressage. If you would like to contact me, please email me at imachamp101@yahoo.com . Thank you very much for your time.

    1. Arun Rao

      Dear Sir / Madam,
      I am Arun Rao, Flat Race – Jockey associated with Bangalore Turf Club Ltd, Karnataka, India.
      I am 57kgs, I have been riding horses since, 18years and Flat race since 13 years.
      Now, looking at working as a track rider anywhere in the world.
      It would be my pleasure to work for you if I am provided an opportunity to ride.
      I request you to kindly mail me for a full CV.
      Should you require any further details, Please feel free to contact me at (arunrao72@yahoo.in )

      I look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
      Arun Rao
      Ph: 9986205871

  26. Katie Smith

    Hi my name is Katie Smith. I have been riding and competing as a Hunter for 13 years. I am 18 years old looking for a job as an exercise rider for the summer and I hope to start a career in this field from there. I have experience in dressage, hunter, jumper etc. as well as disciplines in western. I would love to exercise a racehorse and I am perfectly capable of doing so. I have a need for speed and I’ve always dreamed of working with racehorses. Please contact me if you know of any exercise rider jobs!

  27. patrick gamboa (p.a gamboa)

    Hi I’m Patrick Gamboa from Philippines i am a horse rider here at Philippines and I’m looking a job. i love to work in the field of horse rider. in my two year for being horse rider i win 13 tournament here in the Philippines. i looking forward to continue my job even in other country. for more detail please send me a info to my email address ( patrick_gamboa23@yahoo.com ) or reach me at +639085526968 Thank you…

  28. jamie harness

    Hello I’ve been in racing for 16 years am 31 now have been to Australia and new zealand exercising race horses on the track. I have worked in newmarket and lambourne in England, 2 of the best racing venues in england. Have have a lot of experience in breaking horses in as well as work riding. To be honest I can hold my own when it comes to riding but would rather talk to someone or ride out on trial than say if I’m good or not then you can decide. Am currently living in England and loved being abroad before so would like the opportunity to travel again, I am I loyal worker who knows racing very well and hope you will reply to me. All the best either way

  29. Natalie

    Hi everyone! if anyone needs help getting into racehorse training riding and excercising email me:) ive been working for DEAN IVORY racing for 2 years now galloping and working the horses on kempton race track in england and i love it!!

    i am looking for a job abroad california, australia ect??? anyone recruiting.


  30. rachid

    رشيد يقول :
    15 مايو 2010 في 08:20
    أنا أبحث عن وظيفة بدوام كامل في ممارسة خيول السباق حتى آذار / مارس. ولدي الكثير من خبرتها مع الخيول ، وأنا واثق متسابق. أنا جدا ملتزمة بالعمل مع الاصيلة وأضع كل ما عندي من جهد في تحقيق أفضل للخروج منها ويتفرج عليهم الفوز. وأنا على استعداد للعمل بدوام كامل كما متسابق المسار أو كسر في الاصيلة أو مساعدة ابقائها صالحة للسباقات المقبلة وexercisng لهم على أساس يومي. إذا كان لديك أيضا أي الخيول problemed أن تعرف إمكانات لكنك فقط لا نملك الوقت للعمل عليها ، ثم ايم جميع لك لاخراج كامل إمكاناتهم أو الحصول عليها في حالة ممتازة للمتسابق المقبل. إذا كنت مهتما يرجى البريد الالكتروني لي فيgnii68@hotmail.com 00971567029250

  31. Kate

    We are looking to hire a male exercise rider with experience galloping, breezing and starting babies. We are in a somewhat remote area in the high desert of Southern California. A room is available and transportation necessary. Contact me via email if you are interested.

    1. Erika

      Hello Kate…

      My boyfriend would like to work there. He is from Brazil and had already worked at Dubai, France, Ireland.
      Do you need more information about it? Please send me email:erikamgoncalves@gmail.com

  32. Emily

    Hello! My name is Emily, I will be relocating from MD to Southern California (San Diego area) in fall/winter of 2011. Seeking a positon as an exercise rider. I have 17 years experience in the horse industry, the last 8 years I’ve spent breaking babies for various disciplines (including racing), as well as a couple years experience galloping on the track. I love the racing industry and am eager to find employment as soon as I make the move.

  33. Emily

    My name is Emily I am 20 years old and looking to eventually become a exercise rider (I know you have to work your way up.) I have been riding for 9 years now mostly hunters. I got into eventing 3 years ago and LOVE it! I love the fast pace. I am currently in Minnessota (USA) but would be willing to relocate (somewhere in the US.) I am a quick learner, very respondsible and very hard working. Horses are my passion and I have decided take some time off from college to really get a feel for the horse industry. If you know of anyone looking please e-mail me.

  34. Darci

    Hello, my name is Darci Molina. I live in Michigan in the Oakland County and im looking for a job as an exercise rider. I’ve been riding for 10 years. Mostly jumping (one horse i bought off the track and trained). The past 3 years i’ve been barrel racing. I’ll get on anything and im quick to learn. Im not interested in moving away because im attending college right now but if anyone is looking for a rider in the area please e-mail me.

  35. Jesse Moreno

    Hi everyone,

    My name is Jesse James Moreno…I hold a B.A. in Political Science from Auburn University. I started school studying Equine Science and finished 2 years before swapping majors. I’ve been riding western for the last 5 years and have always dreamed of racing. I currently am working on a dude ranch in Colorado. After Sept. I was hoping to find a stable or trainer to teach me the ways of a jockey. I would be willing to start as a groom and work my way up. I’m 23, 108lbs, and 5’6″. I ride and handle horse well and would be more than willing to demonstrate my abilities. Please feel free to contact me at morenjj@gmail.com

  36. ssv

    hi ,im from malaysia.11 years experience in horse racing industry. 5 years riding in race’s. im looking forward to ride in race’s..in diffrent countries..n to gain experience too.. hope some one guide me..to get into any stable ..for me to work..


  37. Aleatha Amlsey

    My name is Aleatha, I’m 16 and I train horses I have trained in Western, English, Jumping, Showmanship, Halter, And Gaming. I’m looking at becoming an Exercise Rider and I really need your help! I’m from Upper Michigan and I need to know how I would “Kick off” this career! Please Email me or call me

  38. Hailey

    I have been riding over 23 years. I have over 20 years experience showing hunters and jumpers in the ‘A’ circuit. I have successfully competed in every division including Junior and Adult Amateur Jumpers. I have qualified for nationals numerous times in Equitation. I know what is expected at the ‘A’ circuit level. I am extremely experienced and would like to be considered for your exercise rider position. I also can provide references. I have experience with starting off the track horses and can ride anything. I have reliable transportation and a great work ethic.
    Thank you and hoping to hear from you soon,


    1. Alisa

      hi. it does not matter how good you are at the show ring. To start ride race horses( espesially older ones, who gallop strong) you need fogot everything you knew about riding a horse! you have to learn agane even how to get on the horse. other wise- you will not survive for long, sorry- but its true..

  39. justine


  40. Rebekah

    Hi my name is Rebekah i currently work in racing in England Im 20 and am, currently looking for a job in excercing horses out of the uk

  41. Max Suematsu

    Dear somebody who my it concerns

    Hello. My name is Max. I am Japanese.I am 31 years old.

    I am looking for equine job in USA. I immigrated to USA from Australia

    where I used to work this time.I have 5 years experience about yearling

    prep, yearling breaking ( farm or pre training centre), and exercise riding

    in racing stable.

    I have exercise riding career as intern ship student in FLORIDA and

    full time job in SYDNEY( AUSTRALIA).

    Especially in Sydney, I was working in Gai Waterhouse racing stable, one of

    the greatest racing stables in AUS.

    I came to USA just 2days ago, N I stay in Lexington KY now.

    But I am willing to go any states of this country.

    If somebody interested in me, please give me a contact.

    Thank you



  42. Noman Ahmed

    Hi i m Noman from karachi pakistan and i m jockey of karachi race club in karachi if you have any job of riding boy so please contact to me my cell:00923212480870 and email:Noman4u72@yahoo.com thanks

  43. Baljinder Singh

    HI,, I’m baljinder. I’m living in Italy(bologna). I’m working with trotting horses from the last 11 years, I’ve gained a good experience in trott races and I’ve worked with ILARIA-JET, MIND WISE AS, MURROA AS in stable of BIVANS. I’ve enough worked in Italy now I’d like to go for some other country(America,Canada,Auastralia).I know my work very well. I’m an animal lover and I understand them very well. Anyone intersted contact me on my cell- (0039)-3385680903 or mail me at singhdg103av@yahoo.com

  44. Heather StJohn

    I Heather out of West Chicago done 1 on 1 racing . riding since 8 (now 22) im looking to get my foot in the door to become a jockey im looking for someone to bend and shape me the way they want there jockey. 224 800 4556

  45. Michelle Helgesen

    Hi my namne is Michelle and im 21 years and from Norway. I want to be an exercise trainer for a year. Im avaiable from the end of august. I have been active with horses all my life, and the last 3 years worked with horses. I havent have so much to do whit galloping horses but I can ride good.
    Hope I get some response.


  46. Mary

    We are looking to relocate to southern CA by the end of June, 2012 perhaps much sooner….when we get there we will be looking for an exercise rider for up to 5 horses a day.

    You do not need to be an experienced exercise rider, just MUST know how to ride WELL as this is NOT an easy job and takes alot of guts and upper body strength.

    Commitment is the key and if you are just looking to try it out then you are not for us. We would like you to ride for us for several months to a year and then later on we can head you in the right direction if you want to be a full time Jockey at the tracks.

    We are a small private facility and if you have your own horse we can accommodate. We may also be able to give you a roof.

    Please respond to marydkeaveny@aol.com and please know that this will not happen right away but with in a few months.

    1. Lexus

      Hey my name is lexus, i saw your post a website about being an exercise rider. Im a 17 year old female, very responsible, quick learner and ride very well. Ive been riding ever since i could sit in a saddle, ive shown all over the world and currently have a barn in NC. Im a young mother looking to start a set career with horses and would love to talk with you and see if there is anyway you could help me get into the racehorse business as an exerciser. It would be greatly appreciated if you could emal me back. Thank You!

  47. lindsey

    hi my name is lindsey i am a horse lover and want to become a exercise rider and work my way up to a professinal jockey. i own five horse but ive never raced or anything this is a dream i wish could come true. the problem is i dont know the best route to take to a school that is not exspencive because im kinda budgeted on money. i love interacting with horses feeding them caring for them. can someone give me some good tips? so i can try to live my dream. i would really appreciate it THANKS SO MUCH!!! im only sixteen but this is a dream im not willing to let go.

  48. Eden Harper

    Hi, my name is eden i have been wanting to a excersise rider for many years, im also intrested in the outriders, i have my own horse that i could use, i have been riding since i was 3 and have had many expierences good/bad i will ride any and every horse, if anybody is interested contact me at edenmhaper@gmail.com

  49. rajesh adagale

    my name is rajesh and i”am frome india.i have been riding horses form lost 8 years and continaing .rightnow i”m finding sameone who will sponcer me .i”m confidnt for my wark and responsibliteis so no chance 4 any weekness,so dont be hesitate to contact with me rajbprakash@hotmail.com. i”ll never let anyone down…just give me chance and i”ll prove myself

  50. Kyle Eugene Van Epps


    My name is Kyle, and I am looking for work here in Southern California. I live about 25 miles away from Del Mar Race Track, and willing to transfer to work as long as you can help with a room. My grandpa was one of the top jockeys in his time. He started in 1935 till 1940 when he retired, along with his horse, trainer and owner Howard. And if he was still here today he would tell you that I was borne on a horse and started riding right after. I am looking for someone who will take me on, so I can get my license for groom, trainer, Apprentice Jockey and Exercise Rider. I know how to hot walk, and gallop and breeze. I am a hard worker and I work to pleas the person I work for, and myself. I have worked and have ridden, Quarter Horses, Paints, and Thoroughbreds. I know what they are going to be doing, and how they are going to run. I worked with horses for 20 years back home in Montana, before I moved to California, I love horses and working with them. If you are looking for a hard worker pleas, call or text me at 760-975-4857. or pleas email me at bearnkyle1@hotmail.com, if you email me pleas put in the head line, (horse job) thanks.

    I hope to here from you soon thanks.


  51. Ren sanusi


    my name is ren,i would love to know if theres any job available..ive been working in the racing industry for about 8 yrs…n i m an x apprentice jockey.but due to work related accident..i cant ride in races anymore.but deep down in my heart my passion for riding is still there.not in racing but normal track work exercise..
    Do anyone knows any place?
    contact me ad rensanusi@gmail.com

  52. Marnú

    Hi I am Marnú from South Africa I am a very hard working person interested in working my way up In any new country, I have worked with horses the last 7 years stated with show jumping career followed by work riding race horses on the race tracks, also went to the SA Jockey academy witch I left due to financial reasons after the Jockey Academy I have worked as a stable manager In a racing yard for Some time and now I am currently employed at a stud farm as Stud Manager. will someone be so kind by helping me with guides in the right direction for my riding career.
    Regards Marnú

  53. Anastasios Halaris


    My name is Anastasios im 26 years old.I would love to know if theres any job available…I’ve been working in GREEK RACING industry from 2002 – 31/12/2012.I am a hard worker and I work to please the person I work for, and myself.I love horses and working with them. If you are looking for a hard worker please email me at ad6mkr@gmail.com .

    RACE RECORDS AS JOCKEY : 2474 runs out of which 233 wins,271 second places and 298 third places

  54. F. J. Serna

    Hi I’m Javier, I’m currently in south CA. I’m a Jockey, Excersice rider, 115 lbs. for more than 25 years. I been riding during this years with some of top trainers, and best horses here in South Ca. I’m looking for a new place to move to ride-excersice horses if you are interested please email me.

    F.J. Serna.

  55. Jen

    Im Jen and im 14. I have a lot of experience with horses but like anyone else, I can’t say i’ve learned everything there is to learn about horses. I want to be an exercise rider and there is a track not far from my house that I figure i’ll work at if I decide to do this. If I like it and im noticed, I wouldn’t mind becoming the next Chantal Sutherland or Rosie Napravnik. I have 3 horses of my own and have been riding since im 3 and when I was about 8, I started galloping bareback on straightaways on my rides (sometimes I like to throw on a saddle and put up the stirrups). I even trained an OTTB (off the track thoroughbred) all on my own starting pretty much from scratch and he now does wtc and jumping just fine but I love taking him out of the ring and galloping him full speed around the cornfields. And me being competitive, I love to race cars if they are passing by at the time haha. Im very strong and I know how to handle horses who are high strung and anxious. But anyway…the problem is, when im 16 i’ll still be in school, so would I be able to do this just during summer months and just on weekends during the school year? do i sound eligible?

  56. Julia

    Hello, i’m Julia and i will be 16 years old next wednesday. I live in goldsboro NC and i’m looking to be an exersise jockey. I am still in high school though so i don’t know if i would have to do it as a summer job or what. I’m not sure if there are any racetracks in my area ( I’ve seen two but they are small) but if anyone that knows of someone looking for an exersise jockey in my area, please let me know. I’ve been riding for 12 years now and I am very experienced with strong anxious horses. I know how to breeze and i know how to keep my balance with short stirrups. I have saddle broke a few horses as well.

  57. Abraham Marquez

    I been an exerciser rider for 25 years been all over the racetracks in New Jersey, Monmouth Park, The Meadowland,Belmont Park and gulfstream. Im in Florida now want to relocate. my first job as an exerciser rider was with Leroy Jolley. Im good with babys and any kind of horses. I love to win races. my whole family are riders. Im from Puerto Rico.

    1. Arnold Gonzalez

      How u doin partner if u want to ride come to harris farms in coalinga california we need another rider look us,up on google 10 horses (559)8003816

      1. Lisa DeZotell

        Would u guys still be in need of gallop help out there… I have 12 plus years experience galloping on the track and breaking babies….i am a very good hand with lots of knowledge with troubleshooting problem horses…i am looking for work at a ranch here in california

  58. Brooke

    Hi, I’m looking to get into the horse racing world. I’ve loved horses all my life and Thoroughbreds have always been my favorite. I love speed. I currently train and sell my own horses, and now I’m getting clients. I’m a strong rider and don’t get intimidated very easily. I have an Appendix gelding right now who has great Thoroughbred bloodlines and the Thoroughbred personality so I am familiar with Thoroughbreds. I work as a stable hand at a professional horse trainers stable and get riding lessons from him. I’ve been working for him for 3 years now but I also work at an additional performance Arabian horse stable during the summer. I would love to start working at a Thoroughbred farm and learn enough to become an excersize rider. I’m in high school in Minnesota, USA and am very fit, athletic, smart, hard working, and loyal. It could be an option as well for me to work pretty much full time and switch to online schooling. If you have a job for me I’d love to hear from you, so please email me! Thanks! 🙂

  59. katrena

    hi im katrena and i am 13, i want to exercise racehorses.i am barrel racing and all that good stuff so i no what a gallop feels like.i have been riding since i was 5 and i have 10 horses of my own.i show cattle i have strength.i have watched a lot of races in my life and i think its ausome to race.i am 5ft7 and 180 but hopeing to loose alittle weight.um i am busy durning the months of june-augest.i have really good experince with horses.ok thnkz i hope i can have my dream come true
    kk love

  60. nicole gibson

    hi im nicole i am 13.i ride all kinda of horses since i was 8 and can ride anything.i love horses and u wont be disappointed and will do anything.me and katrena r a team so if u want one of us u gotta have both we ride horses together all over in feilds in areans in trails we love raceing each other.and we both love galloping horses!! thanks Nicole<3

  61. Cece Blue

    Hi,im Cece and i am looking for a exercise rider job with my partner Nicole. We have a lot of experiance with horses and the saddle. I ride western and compete in Barrel raceing,Pole bending, and Down n back! I have exeriance with galloping and runing. I can do a 2point pretty good. We have been riding since i was 5 and she was 8.Nicole rides english and western,i also do alittle english. We have always wanted to ride a racehorse and we love watching them race. I am 13 yrs old and so is Nicole. We are about 5ft8. I know we’re alittle tall for it but its a dream we have and we love riding horses!
    thanks my email is cece12blue@hotmail.com

  62. Madison

    Hi my name is Madison. I’m 20 years old and want to be an exercise rider in Massachusetts. I’ve been riding horses for 16 years and have taken a few horses off the track and retrained them when their career was over. I’ve shown all over the East coast and am looking to start my career on the track.

  63. Taylor

    Hello, my name is Taylor, not sure if people still check this or not. I’m interested in becoming a exercise rider for anyone who has a race horse in training. I’m from Pennsylvania. I just turned 15 this may. I’ve had tons of experience working with many different breeds of horses since I was 2 years old. Most of my life I’ve shown and trail rode Tennessee walking horses. I own a 16 year old mare that was given to me by my grandmother that she had since she was a foal. I hope to look forward to becoming a jockey one day or atleast run in a few races. Thank you. For more information please contact me in an email at taytaysmith599@aol.com

  64. Ellie o'grady

    Hello my name is Ellie I am 12 years old, I have 11 years of horse experience I am located in solihull. I have two horses of my own a Irish skewbold cob. 5 year old new forsest, which I had a little bit of help braking her and now she is competing at 105cm. I am a confident rider who would love, to work with horses. I had a Job as a stable hand, and gave riding lessons to young children. I would like to compete and train diffrent horses.
    If you have any information please contact me on: 07708 312097

  65. martina

    Hello, my name is Martina, I’m 30.
    I’m interested in becoming a exercise rider for anyone who has a race horse in training, or in general to work with horses. I’m from Italy
    I ride since I was 7, and I’ve got a lot of experience working with many different breeds of horses.
    Thank you. For more information please contact me in an email at taytaysmith599@aol.com

  66. martina

    Hello, my name is Martina, I’m 30.
    I’m interested in becoming a exercise rider for anyone who has a race horse in training, or in general to work with horses. I’m from Italy
    I ride since I was 7, and I’ve got a lot of experience working with many different breeds of horses.
    Thank you.
    For more information please contact me at martinaprandi@hotmai.it

  67. D Ray

    Currently looking for independent working Asst. Trainer job in England, France, or other..
    –2+ years Asst. Trainer for U.S. Kentucky Thoroughbred trainer. Trained horses running 4.5f-17f, grass, dirt, synthetic.
    –Exercise rider, working horses, trouble shooting problem horses.
    –10+ years Extensive work with young horses; breaking, training. (2014 fall riding for Stone Farm, owners of Sunday Silence.)
    –Instructor for Darley International students through NARA program at BCTC.
    –Asst. Instructor for Chris McCarron at NARA at BCTC.

  68. Kaden

    Hello! My name is kaden. I am 13 and am very interested in becoming an exercise rider, as i am too tall and heavy to be a jockey. I am 5′ 10″. I have expierience with both western and basic english. I do speed events, so i am used to galloping full speed, but i also am very controlled. I often get horses from my mom’s friend to tune up for her son. I don’t have much racetrack expierience, but i am a fast learner. I would need transportation, a job in iowa, and at least a little pay, but not very much. I love horses and have always wanted a job to be around them. If you don’t need an exercise rider, i can be a groom also. Or, you could hire me as both an exercise rider and a groom. Just please consider me! Just because i am young doesn’t mean i don’t know things. In fact, I am better than a lot of adults that i have met with horses. I can calm them down, Know a lot about medical issues, and can control them very well. Thanks!

    1. Kaden

      (Same Person)
      Sorry, forgot to include: my scheduale is very busy, but can work on most weekends, thursday and friday after school, and it depends when my rodeos are in the summer, but i should be able to find enough time for a steady job. Thanks!

  69. Amanda

    My name is Amanda I am 23 yrs old and my height is 4’11and 3/4. I have been riding for 5 yrs. I have no experience on a track yet. I mostly have been doing dressage work. I am looking to be an exercise rider in the New York area. I am good with young horses

  70. Kellie Dickerhoff

    Hello, My name is Kellie and I am looking for some pathway to working with racehorses. I am 15 years old and I currently live in San Diego, California. I have been riding horses since I was 7 years old, and I have owned an OTTB for four years until we had to put him down due to his past injury on the track. I absolutely adore thoroughbreds and their personalities and would be very happy if I could find a trainer somewhere who is looking for a temporary rider for smaller classed horses. I have never been on the track or ridden a racehorse, but that is exactly what I want to do. If anybody knows connections or has advice that they can give me, that would much be appreciated! You can email here : Dickerhoff@cox.net or call this number and leave a message: 619-449-4335 Thank you!!!

  71. Melinda

    My name is Melinda, I have been working with horses for 20 years. I train, exercise, work with problem horses and so much more. I live in Lafayette, Louisiana. If anyone knows of someone near me looking for any of the things I mentioned above please contact me ASAP. I am in desperate need of work!! Email me please and I’ll send you my number there southern_belle8888@yahoo.com

  72. Meghan Lopes

    Hello, my name is Meghan. I’m a 22 year old, 5’2 who has a degree in equine business/technology. My dream job would be working with race horses/ OTTB horses. I’ve never thought about exercising the track horses, but thats something that definitely intrigues me. Ive retrained a few Thoroughbreds/rescue horses in the past few years that i’ve been training. I live in Raleigh, NC but my uncle lives in San Jose, CA and if i could get a job working in the equine industry, id move down here.

  73. Laurel Roberts

    I am seeking a thoroughbred exercise rider. Must have some experience and be drug free. The farm is in the Santa Ynez Valley, Calif. We have a 7/8 mile track and a very well equiped facility. Must be an adult over 18 years of age. Please contact me at (805) 693-9161.

  74. oukesh kumar joggessur

    Hi,my name is Oukesh Kumar joggessur.I am from Mauritius island.I am searching for a stable to ride as a track rider.
    I have been a track rider here in Mauritius for the past 2 years.Thanks


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