Hellebore – Toxic Plant of the Week


Image from Wildfeuer

On to another Monday and another edition in the a-z of plants your horse can’t eat. Today’s plant definitely has a telltale name, you just want to stay away from Hellebore no matter how pretty it is.

A Little About Hellebore

Helleborus foetidus is also called simply Hellebore. This is a perennial which grows to about 32 inches tall. Leaves grow along the stem and are deeply divided into narrow lobes. Flowers and small and green/purple and grow in clusters. This plant is easy to recognize because it stinks!

How Dangerous Is It?

This plant is not palatable to equines (the smell alone is enough to put anyone off) and only a threat during extreme drought conditions. However it contains highly toxic cardiac glycosides and should be avoided by grazers.

All parts of this plant are toxic and can be fatal to equines.


What To Look For

You know your animal the best, so you should know when something is amiss. Hellebore toxicity symptoms include vision problem, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal upset, irregular heartbeat, weakness, confusion and depression.

Learn More

Be sure to check out the Hellebore page to learn more about the plant and while you are at it why not check out more toxic plants?

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*It should be noted that I’m not a veterinarian. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

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