Heavenly Bamboo – Toxic Plant of the Week

Heavenly Bamboo

Image from matsuyuki

We are nearing the middle of the alphabet in the a-z of plants your horse can’t eat. Today’s plant has a sweet name, but Heavenly Bamboo isn’t as nice as it sounds.

A Little About Heavenly Bamboo

Nadina domestica is also called Heavenly Bamboo and Sacred Bamboo. This is an evergreen shrub with three-pointed leaves that are bright pink in the spring, green in the summer and red/purple in the autumn. White flowers grow in clusters that resemble cones and fruits is a red berry.

How Dangerous Is It?

Not generally palatable to equines, this plant is only a problem during extreme drought conditions. Unlike most of the dangerous plants, this one contains an unknown principle that is only mildly toxic.

All parts of this plant are toxic to equines.

Heavenly Bamboo

Image from sunfrog1

What To Look For

You know your animal the best, so you should know when something is amiss. Heavenly Bamboo toxicity symptoms include mild gastrointestinal upset – massive quantities must be ingested to do any real damage.

Learn More

Be sure to check out the Heavenly Bamboo page to learn more about the plant and while you are at it why not check out more toxic plants?

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

*It should be noted that I’m not a veterinarian. This information is written specifically for horses and should be used for reference purposes only. If you think your horse has eaten something toxic call your vet right away.

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