Grey Horse Art

Lately I’ve been focusing a lot on horse art, but I can’t help it, the more I find the more I look for. My color series has been particularly enjoyable as they span many years, artistic types & cultures.

So Much Color

Today I want to focus on the art of grey animals, and I was able to find a lot of it. Grey animals are often used in portraits and generally depicted as a strong & slightly dappled mount. This will definitely be a multi-part post so keep checking back for parts 2 & 3. For now be sure to check out the other colors of horses in art, white (pt. 2) | black (pt. 2) | red | pinto | palomino | appaloosa | Bay (Pt. 2)

Blackfoot Indian on Horseback - Karl Bodmer

Blackfoot Indian on Horseback – Karl Bodmer

A Grey Horse in a Landscape - Aelbert Cuyp

A Grey Horse in a Landscape – Aelbert Cuyp

The Grey - Philips Wouwerman

The Grey – Philips Wouwerman

Andrea Mantegna - Detail from a wall in Mantua

Andrea Mantegna – Detail from a wall in Mantua

White Grey Arabian Horse - Théodore Géricault

White Grey Arabian Horse – Théodore Géricault

Anthony van Dyck - Study of a Horse

Anthony van Dyck – Study of a Horse

Juliusz Kossak - Faithful Companion

Juliusz Kossak – Faithful Companion

William Lindsay Windus - Burd Helen

William Lindsay Windus – Burd Helen

Ludwig Elshoitz - Napoleon and his Generals

Ludwig Elshoitz – Napoleon and his Generals

So Much More To Come

As I’m searching for new colors, I’m finding some more of my old favorites. Don’t be surprised when I post more, I’m quite enjoying this series of collections. Be sure to visit some of the other fabulous horse colors in art, white (pt. 2) | black (pt. 2) | red | pinto | palomino | appaloosa | Bay (Pt. 2).

2 Comments on “Grey Horse Art

  1. Sarah

    Two that come to mind are Napoleon crossing the St. Bernard pass by Jaques-Louis David and The Horse Fair by Rosa Bonheur. The first has several versions including a medicine hat paint and a chestnut horse, but the most famous and often reprinted is the grey. The horse fair has horses of every color- but the dapple greys dominate and are rendered so beautifully!


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