George and the Dragon

Vittore Carpaccio - 1502
The story of St. George has been celebrated by a number of different cultures and places over the years. In fact, there is centuries and centuries of artwork dedicated to the brave St. George.

The Story in a Nutshell

Obviously there are hundreds of stories as well but essentially George was a gentleman knight during the middle ages who saved a small village from a marauding dragon. In doing so he also saved a fair princess from sacrifice to said dragon.

Here is some pretty amazing artwork depicting the daring duel – I had so many that I had to split them up, I’ll share more next week.

Vitale da Bologna – 1350

Vitale da Bologna - 1350

Bernat Martorell – 1430

Bernat Martorell - 1430

Rogier van der Weyden – 1432

Rogier van der Weyden - 1432

Unknown – 1467

Unknown - 1467

Raphael – 1504

Raphael - 1504

Hans von Marées – 1880

Hans von Marées - 1880

Gustave Moreau – 1889

Gustave Moreau - 1889

Viktor Vasnetsov – 1919

Viktor Vasnetsov - 1919



Which is Your Fave?

I’ve added them in chronological order and it’s interesting to see how George morphed over the years as artistic talent & experimentation grew. Be sure to check back next week for part 2 and if you liked these you may like to see more of the masters at work.

2 Comments on “George and the Dragon

  1. Gary Minshall

    I’m not much on this type of art, but it’s purty amazing what you come up with Kid. It’s the kind of stuff you gotta’ like whether you like it or not.

  2. lesbarkeit sabine kulenkampff

    There is the tradition of the “St. Georges Riding” in Germany – you are going to a St. Georges Church with your horses at Easter or at St. Georges Day. You have to ride around the chuch several times. Than, in some of this Chuches, you ride into the Chuch with your horse where they are blessed by a Catholic Priest, in some places, the priest comes out to the horses. Than riding back home. There are hundreds of horses at such a place every year, and hundreds of watching people. So you should only take part, if your horse is very calm. I didn´t up till now, because I think it is a lot of stress to them. Nowadays, some people go close to the place with the Horse trailer… but original you have to ride all the way.


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