Horse Embroidery

When it comes to horse art, I’m not fussy – I like all types. Here is an interesting twist on artistic talents – horse embroidery. It’s definitely an underestimated art form and one that takes hours of concentration and work to achieve.

With the wide variety of horse-loving creative types there is a great selection of equine art forms. From driftwood to old horseshoes to thread, a horse can emerge from almost any materials if the artist is determined enough.

Here are some fun & vibrant examples of horses made only from a bit of fabric and miles and miles of colorful embroidery floss.

Horse Embroidery

Horse Embroidery

Image from Erin!

Horse Embroidery

Image from ikonic

Horse Embroidery

Image from B_Zedan

Horse Embroidery

Image from krupp

Horse Embroidery

Image from Ishtmail

A Different Kind of Talent

It’s hard to pick a favorite, I’m hoping I choose handmade artwork (although I’m not sure about that last one) & it’s fun to see the differences in style. If you like equine art of the unusual kind, be sure to check out more unusual horse art

4 Comments on “Horse Embroidery

  1. Jaymie Ryman

    This is kinda funny…. I just wrote a message to you and was looking for a place to send it when I saw the embroidery… it is a picture (JUST SAW the photograph) of the subject I was writing to you about…. Gem Twist!!!! How do I send an email to you????

  2. Jaymie Ryman

    I’m going to try to leave my message to you, the Equinnest on this post… hopefully you’ll get it!!!!
    I just saw something from a different post, that I thought would be neat… as you do such a great job at research~!!!!!! Gemini…. the clone of Gem Twist… should be a two year old this year…. would love to hear how he is and what’s been done with him up ’til now… possibly what the plans are for when they start him under saddle and if he’s been free jumped… how he did and so on! Couldn’t find ANYTHING recent when I googled him. Would LOVE to see recent pics and hear from people that knew Gem Twist that have met Gemini…. would also like to know if they’ve spoke with the Jockey Club to see about registration papers!!!!!! I think they SHOULD be able to register him, as he has been parentaged, has the DNA… excetera! Do a new type of registry, like the QH’s have appendix… they are still allowed to show and reproduce and be registered!!! Besides, only the people with the amazing amounts of money will ever be able to clone horses, not like its going to be a back yard thing!…. so get them registered!!!!! and let ’em race Man O War against Phar Lap and Secretariat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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