Image from nyominx
Something very different this week & a short break from horses (don’t worry, they’ll be back next week). I’d like to take 7 days to appreciate another four legged animal I’m quite fond of, the dog.
A Whole Site About ‘Em
For those of you who haven’t seen Caninest it is another project I’m really enjoying. It allows me to ask fun questions like whatever happened to white dog poop? To cover important topics like organic dog treats and to enjoy some dog play with yucky dog kisses and dog graffiti.
So in tribute to that I decided that it would be fun to do a dog week on The Equinest. In large part because (correct me if I’m wrong, but) I’ve never met a horse person that wasn’t a dog lover too.
Enjoy The Dogs
So I hope everyone enjoys a week of change. I do love writing about horses, but have to admit it is fun to switch it up from time to time.