The prophet’s thumbprint is a rare marking that is unique in that it is not a color marking. Generally found on the lower neck or upper shoulder, this marking is a depression in the muscle, about the size of a thumbprint. There is some speculation about the cause, but a prophet’s thumbprint is essentially a small local loss of muscle tissue. In some cases this could be due to injury, but in others they seem to simply appear. Generally they do not cause any problems.
Historically this type of marking is thought to come from the Arabian breed and are said to be the mark of a special horse. A horse with this mark is said to carry the genetics of the prophet Muhammad’s finest mares.
The Legend
The Al Khamsa legend has religious connotations, as the five foundation mares were Muhammad’s favorite. The story says that after a long trek through the desert, Muhammad freed his herd at an oasis to quench their thirst. As the animals were running towards the much needed water, he blew his battle horn, signaling the horses to return to his side. Only five of the mares returned to him, becoming his favorite of the herd. He was said to have pressed his thumb into the neck each mare to mark them as favored.