Also called Ben d’Or Smuts or Grease Spots, Bend or spots are random dark spots found on a lighter coat, often seen on chestnuts and palominos (but can be found on bays. They can be present at birth or develop over time.
Bend Or Spot Characteristics
Named for a Thoroughbred stallion who bore them, and even Man O’War was said to have them. Bend Or spots can be a few shades darker than the coat to black and vary in size from dime sized to plate sized and their cause is unknown.
Images Anyone?
Finding good images to use for the color section has always been a challenge and we rely on public domain and creative commons which leaves us limited. If anyone has images of an animal with Bend Or spots they’d allow us to use we’d be happy to credit you for them and link to you in return. contact us if you are interested in sharing.