The lovely grey white pattern can affect any coat color or breed and while they are called greys, surprisingly they can actually be quite colorful.
A Little About Grey
The grey white pattern has the ability to mask all other coloring or patterning genetics, eventually producing a white animal. Lucky for us, that takes years to happen and in between the sheer variety of colors and patterns that a grey animal can display is mind boggling. Each season means a new coat with its own personality.
Similar but Different
The animals below are similar in form, breed and age. All carry the greying gene on different coat colors, providing us an amazing comparison of different greying animal patterns on some vary pretty young horses.

Bay Horse

Bay Horse

Bay Horse

Seal Horse

Black Horse

Chestnut Horse
Similar but Different
Anyone who spends some time delving into horse color genetics will quickly get confused, but might also get hooked. The amount of different colors, patterns and interesting markings seems to be endless. More to come.