How To Clean Horse Tack

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Almost every discipline of riding requires tack of some sort & keeping it in good working order is important.

This video provides a brief look at what you need to strip & clean your tack as well as a step by step explanation for the process.

Remember, checking, cleaning and oiling your leather equipment will prolong it’s life and allows you to check for disrepair.

Horses:How To Strip Clean Horse Tack

Remember to pay special attention to seams, buckles & straps to ensure there is nothing torn, broken or strained.

One Comment on “How To Clean Horse Tack

  1. Kristina Murray

    Thank you for the informative video. It is great to watch a video and see first hand hand how to clean your horse tack. It is very important to keep you horse tack clean and safe. I have found a great product, by Buckaroo Leather (website listed above), wear leathers. They help to keep your saddle rigging ring from wearing into the billet causing a weak spot. Great product! the link is below-
    Wear Leathers
    Thank you for your video-great job,



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