Horseplay Category

Horse Image of the Week

White horse head looking over fence

Why We Like It

We love images of horses that give them a vaguely human air. This one is no exception, with its windswept mane & bright eyes this handsome animal is as pretty as any supermodel. We can’t deny the lovely contrast of well manicured pastures & stark white fences in the background. It’s a well balanced image & it looks like paradise.
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Horse Image of the Week

Highland bull

Why We Like It

Yes, we know that’s not a horse up there, but we had to share it anyway. This is a Scottish breed of cattle called Highland Cattle & they are absolutely stunning. That coat is amazing & gives them such a cuddly look. We love this picture simply because it is stunning.
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Horse Image of the Week

Close up of bright blue horse eye

Why We Like It

This is another one of those images we have a special reason for liking. It’s not just a sweet looking horse laying down, this one has got an apron face which is rather rare face marking that is difficult to find images of. We were delighted to run across it as we are of any image of rare markings or colors.
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Horse Image of the Week

Horses grazing in a field with a dog in the foreground

Why We Like It

Mainly we like this image because its a great example of a snowflake appaloosa. Images of them are difficult to find so we were delighted to run across this one. We also love the relationship between horses & dogs. By their very nature they shouldn’t really be pals, but they make it work anyway.
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Horse Image of the Week

Little girl kissing bay horse head

Why We Like It

What is not to like? Kids & horses are incredibly cute together – especially when a sweet & innocent moment is captured on film. We were all that size once & probably most of us loved horses then every bit as much as we do today. It’s a lifetime love affair for most of us.
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Horse Image of the Week

Two horses leaning over fence

Why We Like It

We like it because that horse on the right looks like it is smirking at us & the one of left might just burst out laughing at any moment. We love to see humanlike emotion reflected in animals. While we love all horses, we do like photography of them that uses interesting angles & captures classic moments.
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Horse Image of the Week

Black & white ponies

Why We Like It

There is something quite unexpected & cute about this image. While most of it is the yin & yang effect, but some of it is the casual & relaxed behavior of the subjects. We think they are feral ponies, but aren’t quite sure where they are in the world. They look rugged, fuzzy & we just want to scratch behind their ears!
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Read Black Beauty Online – Chapter 49. My Last Home

Black horse in a green field

Chapter 49. My Last Home

One day during this summer the groom cleaned and dressed me with such extraordinary care that I thought some new change must be at hand; he trimmed my fetlocks and legs, passed the tarbrush over my hoofs, and even parted my forelock. I think the harness had an extra polish. Willie seemed half-anxious, half-merry, as he got into the chaise with his grandfather.

“If the ladies take to him,” said the old gentleman, “they’ll be suited and he’ll be suited. We can but try.” Read more