Horseplay Category

7 Breathtaking Zebra Images

Zebra Woman

Image from Macarena C.

Zebras are a wild striped cousin to the horse. Their name comes from the Portuguese word zevra which translates to wild ass.

Global Stripes

Like horses, zebras can thrive in many habitats and are found in the plains, forests, mountains and on the coast.

Their biggest predator is man, who hunts them for their striped coat and destroys their natural habitat.

More Than One Type

The striped patterns are individual to each animal and there are three different types of zebra.
1. Plains zebra
2. Mountain zebra
3. Grevy’s zebra
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Funny Horse Pictures

Horse Poop with face

Image from kathysierra

It’s no secret that horses are funny animals, but catching them in the act with a camera is easier said than done.

Getting a Great Shot

It takes more than just a good camera and skill in photography to snap a good shot of a horse being silly…it takes supreme patience (or amazing luck). The photographers below have a fantastic sense of timing and a great eye for horse personality. The resulting images are sure to make you chuckle.
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Outstanding Horse Images

Mare sleeping with her foal as a pillow
It is amazing that such a large creature can be so darn cute, but somehow horses manage to pull it off, (most of them anyway).

Special Moments

It is rare and difficult to catch those moments on film, so when they are caught they should be celebrated. In my never ending quest to discover more about horses online, I run across plenty of those moments worth sharing.
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Horse Costumes Are Popular

It seems that all types of people love a good horse costume…and there are a surprising number of them willing to be photographed as well. 😉

A Popular Choice

Looking for images of people dressed up as horses was an eye-opening experience. I had no idea horse costumes were so popular, or that there would be such a creative selection.

More to Come

In fact, I found more images than I was expecting to so keep your eyes open for part 2. Some of these people are horse lovers, some of them are dressed up for halloween, and the rest of them are just plain weird.
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Clever lolhorses

lolhorseFor those of you unfamiliar with lolcats (and lolhorses as the case may be), the idea is to essentially take a cute/funny/silly animal picture and add clever captions using internet slang (or in this case lolspeak).

Strangely Funny

The idea started with cats, and as their popularity grew, people began to caption pictures of all kinds of animal.

The result can take a crappy picture and make it priceless with a few poorly spelled words.

Interestingly (and perhaps sadly) enough, the worse the spelling the funnier they seem to be.
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