The Altai breed takes their name from the Altai Mountains where they have been bred for centuries. This is one of the oldest breeds native to Siberia and extreme weather conditions have bred a solid and tough mount.
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Horse Basics Category
Albanian Horse – Breed of The Week
There are two types of horses native to Albania.
- Mountain horses
- Horses of the plains or Myzequea
Lacking a strict breeding program designed to preserve both bloodlines, interbreeding has created an Albanian horses with fuzzy lineage.
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Horse Breed of the Week – Akhal-Teke
The Akhal-Teke is a hot weather horse, build for speed in the desert. Descendant of an ancient Scythian type horse, the Teke was bred by nomads.
Prized Animals
This breed is known for being fast and hardy, originally used as war and raiding mounts. Physical isolation and a strong sense of tradition kept their bloodlines relatively pure.
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African Wild Ass – Breed of The Week
The African Wild Ass is thought to be the ancestor of the domesticated donkey of today. They are native to the dry areas of Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia.
A Big Talker
Interestingly this member of the Equidae family lives in small family groups, not herds. However their bray is incredibly loud and they can communicate with each other from up to 2 miles away.
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Aegidienberger – Horse Breed of the Week
The Aegidienberger is a breed that brings two specific bloodlines together, the elegant Peruvian Paso and the hardy Icelandic Horse.
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Adaev – Horse Breed of The Week
The Adaev horse comes from the Caspian depression and is one of the many rare breeds that exist today. Their blood comes from the Kazakh horse which dates back to the 5th century B.C.
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Abyssinian – Horse Breed of The Week
The Abyssinian horse is not one of the rarer breeds, however the purity of their bloodlines has been diluted by many other animals so a purebred animal may be very rare indeed.
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Abtenauer – Horse Breed of The Week
Another very rare member of the equine family is the Abtenauer, the smallest variation of the Noriker horse. Mountain horses through and through, this breed is a beautifully built light draft known for their easy flowing trot.
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Abaco Barb – Horse Breed of The Week
The Abaco Barb is quite literally the most endangered horse breed on the planet. Their bloodlines come from the animals brought over from Europe by Spanish explorers.
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11 Things You Can Do To Help Starving Horses
The Colorful World of Appaloosas
Although in many ways they symbolize the horses of America, appaloosas are thought to have come to the Americas via the Spanish. Their ancestors dating back thousands of years in Asia and Europe.
Quickly Adopted
The people Native to American soil prized the spotted horses and different tribes began breeding of both appaloosas and pinto horses. Like the pintos, there is a wide variety of coloration found. Almost all breeds carry the appaloosa white pattern genes, so they are found in many shapes and colors.
Here we’ve put together as many of the combinations as we could find, to give a clear example of the prolific nature of the appaloosa white pattern genetics.
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The Colorful World of Pintos
Pintos Come in A Rainbow of Colors
Because pintos can be any breed, their colors and genetics vary widely. With so many patterns and so many colors to choose from we’ll never be able to pick a favorite. In our quest to find the prettiest pinto out there, we ran across such a lovely rainbow of colors and patterns that we decided to put them together into a post and share them.
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