Anyone who has looked at my interview here at the Equinest knows that I was a horseshoer for alot of years. I was ask by Paige for my input about hoof care.
“The frog serves as the heart of the foot so-to-speak.”
Anyone who has looked at my interview here at the Equinest knows that I was a horseshoer for alot of years. I was ask by Paige for my input about hoof care.
“The frog serves as the heart of the foot so-to-speak.”
Recently I had a reader send me photos of a saddle that she wanted to learn more about. Unfortunately I couldn’t help her, but I offered to put it to my readers and see if there are any tack experts out there who can help.
Here are the pics she sent over and I sadly this is all I have to offer. Here is hoping that an enthusiast sees this and has an answer. If you can solve the mystery, please leave leave it in the comments below. Thanks!
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Image from wildeharen
My first impressions of horse riding will forever leave a lasting impact on my memory. Initially, upon seeing Zephyr (the horse I was going to ride), I was very intimidated. She was a beautiful and statuesque horse and I can still recall how warm she felt. However, facing such a large and impressive animal at the tender age of fifteen, I very much afraid of falling.
My instructor walked me through applying the saddle blanket, placing the saddle on the horse appropriately and how to adjust her girth and cinches. As I was doing this, I could not help thinking about what it would be like, high up on this magnificent animal – and that prospect was a bit frightening.
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue is a non-profit rescue in Maple Ridge, BC. We rescue most of our horses from auction or from off the racetrack. Our aim is to get as many horses as we can off the meat truck and adopted into loving homes so that we are able to rescue more.
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue is a non-profit rescue in Maple Ridge, BC. We rescue most of our horses from auction or from off the racetrack. Our aim is to get as many horses as we can off the meat truck and adopted into loving homes so that we are able to rescue more.
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue is a non-profit rescue in Maple Ridge, BC. We rescue most of our horses from auction or from off the racetrack. Our aim is to get as many horses as we can off the meat truck and adopted into loving homes so that we are able to rescue more.
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I volunteer at J&M Acres Horse Rescue in BC, Canada and on October 18, 2010, we rescued two Thoroughbred foals, whose story is not only sad, but reads the same for many other equines across Canada.
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue is a non-profit rescue in Maple Ridge, BC. We rescue most of our horses from auction or from off the racetrack. Our aim is to get as many horses as we can off the meat truck and adopted into loving homes so that we are able to rescue more.
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue is a non-profit rescue in Maple Ridge, BC. We rescue most of our horses from auction or from off the racetrack. Our aim is to get as many horses as we can off the meat truck and adopted into loving homes so that we are able to rescue more.
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Anyone who has looked at my interview here at the Equinest knows that I was a horseshoer for alot of years. I was ask by Paige for my input about hoof care.
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Image from Shagya France
Before moving to Brooksville, FL and starting E.N.V.I., I taught and trained in Pinellas Park. Still new to the area, Mrs. Susan, now a beloved friend and client, decided to give me a try and hired me to find her “dream horse.”
Susan is an aspiring dressage rider who loves Arabians. She had very clear specifications. She wanted a calm, bay Arabian, who would be successful at dressage.
She also had personality specifications, as this would be her lifelong pet. What a challenge!