Equine Products Category

Racing iPhone Apps & Games on iTunes

Horse iPhone AppsLately it seems like everyone has an iPhone and as they seem to become more and more popular so is the iTunes App store. That said I’ve made it my mission to find and catalogue all of the horse apps I can find.

Horse Crazy iPhone

I started with just games & apps – but quickly realized those lists would get long and cumbersome. So I’ve further separated them and will keep posting as I organize them, today it’s horse games. For each listing below I’ve provided a brief description and a link to them on the iTunes app store.
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Horse iPhone Games on iTunes

Horse iPhone AppsLately it seems like everyone has an iPhone and as they seem to become more and more popular so is the iTunes App store. That said I’ve made it my mission to find and catalogue all of the horse apps I can find.

Horse Crazy iPhone

I started with just games & apps – but quickly realized those lists would get long and cumbersome. So I’ve further separated them and will keep posting as I organize them, today it’s horse games. For each listing below I’ve provided a brief description and a link to them on the iTunes app store.
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Mules, Mules and More Mules By Rose Miller

Rose Miller is an author I’ve interviewed in the past and I’m delighted to announce that she has published a new book Mules, Mules and More Mules and provided the write-up below to share about it.

Rose & Susie QMules. A most unique and captivating equine. Are mules really sure-footed, stubborn, opinionated, “bombproof,” or more “dog-like” in their bonding? Are mules different from horses?

Enthralling Mules

After a trip down and back up the side of the Grand Canyon on a mule, Rose Miller becomes enthralled with these splendid creatures and has a burning desire to own a mule of her own. Thus begins a fascinating love affair with those long-eared equine hybrids.
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FEI EquiTests iPhone Apps from iTunes

FEI EquiTest Apps on iTunesThe horse world is quickly getting themselves online and EquiApps.com has really done a great job of keeping up with technology. Recently I posted about their USEA iPhone Apps and today I wanted to share the equally as handy FEI EquiTest Apps.

FEI Roundup

I’ve collected them all here so they are easy to find and grab – they are all current for 2011 and can be downloaded through iTunes (I’ve provided a link to each below).
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USEF & USDF EquiTest iPhone Apps from iTunes

USEF EquiTest Apps on iTunesIn this world of advancing technology horses are quickly getting themselves online (it’s about time!). Now USDF, USEF & EquiApps.com offer handy EquiTests apps for your iPhone or iPod Touch – take a little competition with you wherever you go.

USEF Roundup

I’ve collected them all here so they are easy to find and grab – they are all current for 2011 and can be downloaded through iTunes (I’ve provided a link to each below).
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Secretariat and Penny Chenery – Meet The Woman Behind The Horse

SecretariatThere is nothing a horse lover enjoys more than a film about horses & Secretariat hasn’t let us down. In celebration of the imminent DVD & Blu-Ray release here is an interesting article with a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film.

Part of A Legend

Having a movie made about your life—while you’re still alive to see it—must be frightening. Yet meeting with the person whose life you just made a movie about is probably even more frightening. Such was the case of Penny Chenery and Randall Wallace.
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Horse Theme Cosmetics

Although the holidays are long gone, it’s always fun to find horses in unexpected places. It’s not often that you find cosmetics with a horse theme, but I ran across some and couldn’t wait to share them.

Something For You

Whether you are a horse girl or you just love one this is a fun and girly gift that keeps on giving. Share your love of horses with your love of beauty. For each one I’ve provided a brief description, a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a closer look where available.
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Horse Grooming Kits

GiftIt’s definitely too late to be ordering your gift ideas now so hopefully everyone is finished with their last minute shopping. I thought I’d toss some more ideas out there for those of you who will have your own holiday money to spend.

Keeping Clean

Lets face it, grooming is one of the activities that brings us closer to our animal. It’s a bonding moment that’s entirely about taking care of them. Here are a variety of grooming kits – something for everyone. For each one I’ve provided a brief description, a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a closer look where available.
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Horse Lunch Box

GiftThe big day is almost upon us. But I’m betting you might still be able to get something in time, so I thought I’d continue throwing horsey ideas out there.

Horses, Horses Everywhere

If you haven’t seen my 2010 Gift Roundup be sure to check it out for a whole slew of ideas for horse lovers. Today I thought I’d go for something cute enough for the kids, but cool enough for adults too…lunch boxes. For each one I’ve provided a brief description, a link to where they can be found on Amazon and a closer look where available.
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